It's a game at the end of the day. If you consider playing an unranked game as a wasted game than you're probably not having fun playing the game at all and only playing it to win. I don't see you enjoying playing the game at all hax, maybe you should take a little break at leastyou're beating yourself up right now.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

I think any match against real players is fun... just because it isn't ranked mean it's a waste of time. Besides, not everyone can be good at the game. It's good practice even if its against people that suck. I like getting more IP so I can get better champions and more runes and shit. xD
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Or become really nice to people. Little compliments for small or big plays go a long way to developing team cohesiveness, and softening blows to people's egos let them play confidently and, overall, better. A little over half of my ranked wins have involved somebody getting mad or provoking a fight with another teammate, and I've stopped all but one game from death spiraling into a defeat by just being a mediator and, when necessary, the argument ender.

Number one thing I've found, the sooner you can get both sides to just drop the issue with no grudges, the sooner the game turns around. Staying neutral on the argument, but firm on ending it for the sake of winning the game, often is enough to get both sides to drop the argument and just win. They're playing ranked for a reason, and it's usually to win and prove to others that they're good. They don't do that by complaining and losing a game, they do that by shutting up and playing the game. Sometimes they just need to be tactfully reminded of that.

Sarcasm, snark, and outright insults make nobody play better, where as compliments, reassurances, and apologies will make almost everybody play, if not better, at least slightly happier. I have nothing to lose from being nice, and everything to lose from being a jackass.

Also, totally shit stomped a vayne as veigar. Literally blew up their tank from 100-0 by the end of the game.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I love Ashe so much. xD I bought the Amethyst Ashe skin because it looks so hawt.
I play Dark Valkyrie Diana more though... she's my main champion that I play. Probably played Ashe more though.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
LMFAO, got demoted again. Sweet. Went from Bronze 1 to Bronze 2 now Bronze 2 to Bronze 3.

Welp, least I'm not going to give a shit about playing well anymore.

Also the game is about having fun, just focus on having fun man
Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Also the game is about having fun, just focus on having fun man

I know I got straight dominated lmfao.

I feel like I understand the core decision making process better than those around me; however, I'm mechanically rather weak. My CS usually isn't near what it needs to be. I also don't know what every champion does yet because there's just so many and I can't possibly play them all. That last part makes decision making tricky sometimes because I have to play guess work about their potential.

That being said, I feel if I isolate my practices and IP towards succeeding at just a few things that'd probably be beneficial. I gotta choose effective picks though.

I'm thinking these will be my champion selection for a bit. This is my role list at what im good at best to worst.

1) ADC - Twitch, Sivir, Ashe. That order. Maybe I should stick with Sivir since she's high level.

2) Jungle - WARWICK, Fiddlestick, Evelyn, Rammus. Maybe I should stick with Fiddle because I don't see Warwick as a competetive pick.

3) Mid - Heimerdinger, Karthas. No idea which one is more competetive. I own Kass but she gets banned all the time anyways, and fuck you lose if they pick Gragas.

4) Top- Jax, Nasus. Usually Jax.

5) Support - Blitzcrank, Teemo, Annie, should probably choose Annie since Blitz just gets banned often.

That's my order from what I like to do to worst, and the champions I use and whether or not I should main just one IDK yet.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
If you want, add me and I can show you some easy ways to harass your enemy laner and farm decently at the same time.
I love Karthus' Q which is a pretty awesome harass early game.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I think Ashe is still one of the most annoying champions to lane against and also the must fun to play as. Her Q makes all of her basic attacks slow down the enemy up to 35%, her W slows people with her volley and her R stuns the person hit and the allies around then. Her Hawkshot E is the only ability that doesn't slow anyone. xD She's such a troll.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.