i am lkingl originally iam3pic, my real name is chris or christopher.
I'm from the united states i live in the midwestern united states which makes my GMT -4.
my story of joining toribash is my older brother played and i wanted to be like him and he quit because he thought the game was stupid since i liked it i continued playing because i had a dream of being the best, i joined in 2012 when i was 12, im currently 16 and i continue the dream of me being the best by coming back to toribash after i left a few months back. Now im sure i can imporve a lot and i'm not going to stop till im on top.
the reason i want to join MAU is I like the clan members and how the clan is ran.
i think i can help the clan and they will help me be better than i am currently.
the thing that makes me unique is i learn fast and I
want nothing but improvement for myself and others. i am currently helping my goodfriend learn how to play.
this is my second app and i hope its good enough to be accepted.
This app is over 1k right now so i think i should wrap it up.
this app has 1081 charachters
Attached Files
EZ.rpl (38.5 KB, 5 views)
decent.rpl (203.7 KB, 5 views)
king for life
I've got goals to reach. stay out of my way.
Well then here i go again,I am Boogie22,my real name is Justine Rocha and i am pretty much known for being stupid and doing unecessary shit in the bedroom...shhhhh

I am born in Quezon,Philippines,i am half british and i am currently 14 .I am a deep thinker,very athletic and im good in class.im veryy active on forum,reasons why i wasnt back then is bcuz school stuff,but i have time for TB and forums activity

I am blue belt in taekwando and one of the fastest kckers in my land.so anyways,i started TB in about 2014,at first i really fucken sucked because i can't even move 2 joints at a time but ever since i practiced REAAAL hard,I got a bit better

and then i met vooidexxx that MOFO who helped me join MAU and really changed my gameplay,i quit MAU 2 times because first family issues and second i wrote a book(the final product got FUCCCKKKKKING LOSt cuz my sister used the cp!!).Yep so 3 months of hard hard work,GONE

But know im back and even better because know with my new knowledge about martial arts,i can asure you that i will make mau proud.

that concludes my application

Hope i can spread the love with yall,see ya and peace *triggerhappy

*and some replays,btw oveerrrrrr is broken so it might sudenlly stop but still pretty good
Attached Files
ONE.rpl (123.0 KB, 3 views)
FATALITY.rpl (143.4 KB, 4 views)
OVERrrrRRRRRR.rpl (172.5 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by boogie22; Aug 10, 2016 at 02:22 AM.
Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|
Welp,i'd suggest you to tell us more about you behavior,and also about your forum activity(how frequently you check the forums,favorite chat themes(science stuff,history,sports etc).
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592