edit: on the subject of favourite "method" of listening to music, i often find that some albums require me to take a different approach than others. there are kinds of music that i can both pay attention to or play in the background (ambient and related genres), kinds that require my attention to be enjoyable (most idm, breakcore) and kinds that are almost exclusively enjoyable when i'm doing something else while i listen to them (field recordings). i like to segregate those approaches to "passive" and "active" listening.

Yeah i kind of discovered this recently when listening to black metal. I started to force myself to listen actively, and i discovered that it bored me. I think it was burzum's minimalistic experiments that made me realize this.

It sucks that things are taken off youtube. It messes with my playlists and makes it harder to discover albums.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Hope you don't mind the bump.

Name: (Just call me Drone36 or Poly)
Age: 18
GMT: UTC-08:00 Pacific Time Zone
Favorite genre of music: Classic rock, Punk, Psychedelic rock
Least favorite genre of music: Depends
Favorite music artist: Too many favorites
Least favorite music artist: Too many It depends
Favorite music sharing website: Youtube.com or Soundcloud.com
One example of your favorite music:
I can't leave just one example sorry. I'm all over the place when it comes to music genres like those.
I am evil.
Accepted. I liked the zeppelin, wasn't too fond of the other stuff.
I was going to post Flower Travellin' band- Satori as a recommendation, but it's not on YT so you'll have to do with this.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
If i'd have to choose a word, it would be,"Sludgy"
Its very slow and heavy, and whiny. It's really interesting.
I don't listen to stuff that's too heavy, but here's something I like, that's not as slow.


I am evil.
You should really look up Satori then. It's not as sludgy and more hard rock.
The witch song is much more slow and sludgy to me.

If you're into weird shit this is a great album. More fusion/free though.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
You should really look up Satori then. It's not as sludgy and more hard rock.
The witch song is much more slow and sludgy to me.

If you're into weird shit this is a great album. More fusion/free though.

Too strange for my liking but interesting none-the-less. How abstract can music get for you before you just start calling it noise? :P

That album right there sounds really jazzy and improvised to me. I dunno if id define it to sound or music.
Last edited by Polybius; Nov 21, 2015 at 05:57 AM.
I am evil.
Originally Posted by drone36 View Post
Too strange for my liking but interesting none-the-less. How abstract can music get for you before you just start calling it noise?

Well, I call noise noise. If it's good noise I might call it noice noise.
Let's put it this way: If I would've heard some of the stuff I listen to today a year or two ago I'd call a lot of it meritless noise. I don't really have a line anymore, aside from calling certain classical pieces "firetruck music".
Actually, strict 12-tone is pretty dull to me.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Yeah, its good to keep stuff random and interesting, I see your point. I like that it's jazzy and strives to keep that edge in a new way. What about Frank Sinatra? do any of you guys enjoy his moosic?
I prefer Cohen, although cohen's accompaniment is far worse. The synths, electrical fiddles, and girl choruses make me sick to my stomach sometimes.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
So the Testament + Cannibal Corpse concert was yesterday and it was fucking awesome.

got a pic with Alex Webster and both t-shirts



and must mention that I am amazed due do the fact that Cannibal Corpse's audio was so well regulated and set up and shit. Apart from the crowd I had the feeling that I was listenning to a studio album.