Well my birthday was last saturday and i turned 18 then so yeah, this is me applying.
Name is Connor and im from South Africa.
I had birthday at 21th June, maybe it's time to apply here...
Name: Paweł
Age: 18
Country: Poland
Belt: 3rd Dan
To me:
-born 17th of Novembre 1992
-active in TB since ~ 1.5 years
-old member of Guardians (first and only clan while i'm in TB)
-only 2. Dan (cause my MP was broke for a veeery long time)
-i like beer, women, cars, (hip hop)dancing and video-editing ;)
-i'm from Germany
name: jenios
age DOB: 21 18 june 1990
active: 2 years (about)
clan: TPC
Belt: black bet (because I skipped playing mp for awhile)
likes: surfing, tb and pink floyd
Country: Australia
gmt: +10
:):):):):):):):):) A Proud member of TPC/ OLDA
Name: Ky0p
Born: 08.08.1991
Active : Over 2 years
Clan : Reflex
Belt : 4th Dan
Likes : Food, Sensual and beautiful women, music
Country : Finland
Gmt +3
Last edited by Ky0p; Aug 9, 2011 at 07:11 PM. Reason: Age
Welcome in jenios.

Ky0p it was a pretty good appli, you just missed the most important info, as asked in the first post of this topic, your age.
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