Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
Hi, to be clear, this is elite. (He's mentioned that he doesn't want his name widely said because he doesn't want staff to ban him from clan forums again, but staff have access to ip addresses, and multiple other tools to determine someone's identity. No matter how you try to hide it, they'll always know it's you)

Onto my vote, I'm saying no.

Not because you're a terrible person or anything, but because of why you were banned in the first place and why you don't have access to clan boards on your main account in the first place.
According to a staff member I spoke to, you compromised nitro, and planted false evidence. Both of those things are very big reasons to say no.

I'm sorry, but I don't want someone in vector who hijacked nitro and sent them crashing down. Regardless of if it was two months ago or two years ago, my vote will remain the same

Maybe so, but I'm not proud of what I did.
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
I would like to see some of your work, If you happen to have some polished mods

And no, I don't sadly I was still learning beforehand.
Last edited by Nxthing; Aug 18, 2018 at 12:14 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
You can't remove what doesn't exist. - 2018
[Äúrerctnú ft ethnnenuanl uagnagn] - Someone Dead
Look, I don't have time to write a big text so I'll be straight and simple.

First of all, Vector members: he's totally worthy reviewing, I think we SHOULD NOT decide if he's getting accepted or not now.

This application sounds troublesome and hard to judge, in my opinion, and Elite is more attached to other members than me.

@Elite: I hate and I like your attitude, I can tell there is at least some kind of hard work in your application and it doesn't look emotionless. I would say you have passed through a lot of things and you're trying to find comfort in a place you once called home (but you abandoned).
Trust me, you can join us, but it won't be easy and you probably are already aware about that. You don't have a good image, neither in community overall (with your ban and clan hopping) nor in this clan, but I personally really like you from the short time I had with you.

We have many reasons to reject you, but you, as a decent person, would bring nothing but proudness and virtues to this clan, you have some reputation and you indeed are good at your stuff.

Summing up, I think your application process should be delayed until we can definitely take a real decision. I vote no for now but I'm inviting you to join us anyways, not with the clan tag but as a friend worthy having around, and I'm asking my clan mates to understand the situation the same way I do.

Elite, if you want to join, I don't mind about your past but you'll need to keep it clean from now on (also you can't apply to other clans until we make a decision, if you do, this is insta no)

also I personally hate to see things like depression and anxiety so generalized, stick around with us and eventually you can get invited as trial, but I ask you to avoid this vibes (denilumi acts this way too >:^( )

this post was long anyways and probably has a few grammar issues but it's clear enough

I wish the best for you, Elite <3
Last edited by Lionet; Aug 18, 2018 at 05:15 AM.
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

^^ well said

Except, I'm still saying yes. Although you have a bad rep, you said you're starting on a clean slate. Starting a new leaf. By the way you worded everything, it sounds like you've grown as a person and a player. Im going with my gut and offically giving a yes. I was a little iffy about it after hearing everything, but after some thinking, I've decided to stick with my vote.

Also, as Lionet said, don't apply to any other clans.
i really want you in so plz don't ;~;
Going over this chit chat, I'd like to state my opinion about this and my personal experience with Elite EVEN THOUGH he might be a shitty person as you guys stated before, I do know he's way better than that.

First of all, I'd like to mention that this guy helped me TONS with coding when I was a beginner. Yes I may not have continued with my coding career but that's because it's irrelevant now and I have a lot of time to focus on it later on in my life.
Now let's see how he evolved from depression and stuff.
Myself I was not a normal person and I really am one horrible person when it comes back to what I really focus on having. I do not care about the ways or harming anyone whilst doing it, I just get what I want. Yes this is a disorder get over it (Karbn knows about this). Now let's not talk about me, this guy sure has been through a lot and when I say you have no idea what anxiety does to one person's mind, you really have no idea. I swear I don't care what you read or do it's literally much more than this. You can NOT translate anxiety/depression to words, it's always much more than this and it's never only about "love" it's about the way you raised yourself as a kid.
Now about his entire hijacking nitro horseshit I'd like to clarify one point that I don't care whether he's done it or not because at one point HE HAD A GOOD REASON to do so. I may not be the one with the answers but nobody does anything harmful to someone else if it wasn't for a good reason. Now it may be possible because of the whole state he's been through but he gave me a good enough reason to have him doing it which I will not share whatsoever because it might be inconvenient for him.

Now that I have clarified my point I'd like you to rethink about the entire thing because 1. What you guys are doing is meaningless and has nothing to say about his skills. I'd like to thank onsola that he did want to see what's good out of him in what's related with his actual skills not just his personality which I do not see any problem with except for him having done something bad which the mods didn't get over yet because having their name "moderator" means they're something important, and they're not. Maybe I moderate this clan and yes I do sometimes make use of the name for my own advantage but this doesn't make me any better than anyone else here. It's a mistake he's done, get over it Jesus Christ... 2. We are a clan where you're supposed to be skilled at something. He was a great replay maker and he's now a great coder. Can we please focus on this for a bit and deny his past because it makes no fucking sense to just keep talking about it because it's obviously something from the fucking past? Tell me you haven't changed not even a single bit from like the past 2 weeks. I know it might sound stupid the way I'm saying it because hell what the fuck do 2 weeks do? But see the bigger picture, it's more than what I'm saying. Who the hell has been consistent with his mind anf thoughts for so damn long? Nobody. It's time for you to learn that you're literally changing every single day you're never the same I do not give any single fuck on how you take this statement but I know what I'm stating here and you all do know this too but you're to absurd to get over the fact that he's done something shitty before and not using REASONING and LOGIC which are something I'd really like to appreciate regardless of anything else.
We're a professional clan not some kindergarten here just blaming others for what they have done? Act like a damn professional and mature person and get over it. Some may say they're not mature yet but here you go now you can start somewhere.

Overall I'm giving him a yes I know he has a lot of potential I've already seen it before and him coming back to the game sure does mean something and I'd like you to put that into consideration seeing the fact that he's been around for so damn long.

Sorry for the bad words and curses and stuff but I said what's on my mind and hope you realize what I'm trying to state here. Ridiculous...
Shame on all of you only perspecting his bad actions in the past and not focusing on what's good. Just shame.
█████ Vector █████
█ ███████ █
sorry Pat but I can't agree with almost anything that you said :/

rather than considerating his goodies we must think about what he did too, I don't know if he changed or not but I know he was capable to do what he did.

This can be shameful but I don't have any morals right now, he has to be seriously judged

EDIT: anyways I think your post is important to point better why he's worthy accepting
Last edited by Lionet; Aug 18, 2018 at 11:44 AM.
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

I feel like 90% of this was directly targeted at me. I'm not going to respond to any of this cause it's not worth it. My response is still no, because you don't change completely in two weeks. I trust staff and their decisions, and no matter what intention he might have had with nitro, it still happened and it was bad.

Good luck elite, I'm sure you'll be a good addition if accepted, I just have to think about the pros and cons of accepting members, I worry that accepting you may have a negative impact on vector's image. I'd suggest reading lionets post and hanging around with us so we can get a feeling for who you are, I think it'll be great for the application process here.

You're my friend, but my clan comes first
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
It's actually towards everyone who's supposed to vote, just saying.
No hard feelings Karbn, u ma boi <3
█████ Vector █████
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Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
I feel like 90% of this was directly targeted at me. I'm not going to respond to any of this cause it's not worth it. My response is still no, because you don't change completely in two weeks. I trust staff and their decisions, and no matter what intention he might have had with nitro, it still happened and it was bad.

Good luck elite, I'm sure you'll be a good addition if accepted, I just have to think about the pros and cons of accepting members, I worry that accepting you may have a negative impact on vector's image. I'd suggest reading lionets post and hanging around with us so we can get a feeling for who you are, I think it'll be great for the application process here.

You're my friend, but my clan comes first

Yeah I understand man, no hard feelings.
You can't remove what doesn't exist. - 2018
[Äúrerctnú ft ethnnenuanl uagnagn] - Someone Dead
So far we have 2 yes and 2 no.
Guess we'll just be waiting for more votes^
█████ Vector █████
█ ███████ █

Before I start answering to vector members, let's take a look at your app.
Originally Posted by Nxthing View Post
My name is Brayden, i'm 19, i have social anxiety, depression, and generalized anxiety.

Now that's one way to introduce yourself. sounds like average vector member
You don't put your mental state in a virtual clan application, at least that's the way I always rolled. That's personal info that should be shared only with trusted ones.

Originally Posted by Nxthing View Post
Too many clans to name so, let's not go-on that topic.


Other than that, it's not a bad aplication, but the way you wrote it it sounds like "hey, I'm a bad person, I did horrible things but I swear I changed"
But you said something about modmaking, yet you don't have anything to show us. The replays that you provided are nothing special. I like the fact that you're coding but that's not enough.
To wrap it up, AS FOR NOW I don't think you are gonna be a good addition to our clan. Also there are few words to say about your reputation. As you said yourself, you did some bad stuff - and it will never go away. Fixing your reputation will take a long time, you won't be welcome to every clan with that rep. Perhaps first you should do the "fixing" to prove that you actually changed instead of just saying that.
__________________________________________________ _________
Alright, now my Vector fellas.
Karbn, thanks for the info.
Lionet, I agree with the delay idea. Let's see if he can fix his rep.DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE ABOUT GRAMMAR?

Pat, what the actual fuck? So pretty much you are saying that someone's past actions doesn't matter? Yes we are a skill oriented clan but we are also a good community, there's a good probability someone with a bad rep and bad past is not going to fit well in our clan.
Going with your "reasoning and logic" you would accept a past-toxic person, with horrible personality just because he is a great replaymaker and now he's not as toxis as before? (Not talking about you Elite, it's just an example).
Btw. yes, people harm others with no reason. "For fun".
Actually I don't know what's the point of this answer to you because as you said, you don't give a fuck about nothing anyways and you do things to achieve whatever you want.
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
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