Easy four steps..
1. Get a lot of food
2. Find a few of my friends thats alive.
3. Find a boat
4. Live on a island
Proud leader of [TANG]
Old Schooler
If there will ever be one, I would probably go out, with a gun with like 3 shots, some chainsaw etc.

If the zombies are just like in the book, then I'd kill myself once I got bitten 10 hours ago or so.

I would just lurk around and take down as many as possible. Or just commit suicide right in the beginning.
HAHA, i havew been thinking bout this 4 a long time, what u want, is a melle weapon, i would get a chain, 2 knives, and an axe,(i have my own axe already). then i would go down to my backyard, and live off, the fruits and fish and animals, (and probobly zombies), i would live in the bush, and when i sleep, i would sleep high up in a tree, and have a ledder type thing, which would be the only way up, and down, when im up there, id pull the ladder up, which would make me safe, i would also,and traps and spikes etc to make the tree unclimbable. after bout 2 years, i would go party cuz by then, most of the zombies wouldve died, from starvation or decomposing.
I feel fairly lucky (for once) in that I live in rural California.
My town happens to be full of the stereotypical rednecks with guns.
While I doubt that any of them would be ready for a zombie apocalypse, what it means is that we have a massive gun store right outside of town. I live quite far from the town, and there would be little to no chance of my house becoming infected until long after the entire town falls. This means I could sit on my porch until I saw fire and such in the town signaling that it had almost fallen, and then drive down to the gun store and take whatever I could carry in an old extended F-150 (quite a lot).

From there, I'd try to get back to my house, or better, the radio towers on the top of the mountain I live on. From there, I'd either set up a radio signal telling people to come to the "outpost", or simply wait it out. This would depend on the how readily food is available. Lots of food = room for lots of people, and by extension, lots of gun-wielders. Little food = in-fighting over food, and bad things overall.
As soon as I had a firm footing established in the radio towers, I'd go back down to my town, and it's sister town to collect all of my friends who'd survived the initial attack.
Collecting friends could be risky, since it would be harder to kill them assuming they were infected, but friends will fight for eachother harder, and ensure fewer people are infected overall. In the long run, I think having friends would be good.

For food, I'd first scavenge what I can from town, and the mountain I live on. From there, I would hunt, seeing as I have lots of guns and I live on a rural mountain with lots of deer and turkeys. If hunting proves to be a viable source of protein, all I would need is the other vitamins and such that are required in far lesser amounts. We have a health-food store in town, and I could likely find some vitamin pills or similar. Water is a fairly small problem, as gasoline is abundant in this town, and we have our own well, which could be powered by a small generator.

As far as ammo goes, If it ever seems that we start getting down to the bare minimum of our reserves, I am a decent shot with a bow, and could try to hunt for food that way. If zombies arrive, we would probably be forced to use guns, but they'd be reserved for that only.

In case of disease, I can see two options per sickness.
If it is something curable by the options we have currently, we'll simply cure that person. If it is something incurable, we will do our best to find a better physician, before asking whether the person wants to be killed rather than die from whatever the ailment is. If dialysis works on zombie bites, we will try that first, but if the zombie infection is truly unstoppable once initiated, anyone showing signs of zombification will be shot immediately, in a remote location as to avoid contamination with current supplies and people.

As you can see, I've put an alarming amount of thought into this. I'd love to hear comments or criticism of this plan, since it's a little hobby of mine, to think of things like this.

Also, Arbiter;
If the zombie disease is bloodbourne, you could not live off of the zombies. Simply eating one would quickly infect you. Also, you probably underestimate how hard it would be to actually try to eat a fellow (ex-)human. Try it one day, see for yourself.
<DjPz> I don't expect to have sex with the dolphins every time I visit them
Originally Posted by ZenBDog View Post
I feel fairly lucky (for once) in that I live in rural California.
My town happens to be full of the stereotypical rednecks with guns.
While I doubt that any of them would be ready for a zombie apocalypse, what it means is that we have a massive gun store right outside of town. I live quite far from the town, and there would be little to no chance of my house becoming infected until long after the entire town falls. This means I could sit on my porch until I saw fire and such in the town signaling that it had almost fallen, and then drive down to the gun store and take whatever I could carry in an old extended F-150 (quite a lot).

From there, I'd try to get back to my house, or better, the radio towers on the top of the mountain I live on. From there, I'd either set up a radio signal telling people to come to the "outpost", or simply wait it out. This would depend on the how readily food is available. Lots of food = room for lots of people, and by extension, lots of gun-wielders. Little food = in-fighting over food, and bad things overall.
As soon as I had a firm footing established in the radio towers, I'd go back down to my town, and it's sister town to collect all of my friends who'd survived the initial attack.
Collecting friends could be risky, since it would be harder to kill them assuming they were infected, but friends will fight for eachother harder, and ensure fewer people are infected overall. In the long run, I think having friends would be good.

For food, I'd first scavenge what I can from town, and the mountain I live on. From there, I would hunt, seeing as I have lots of guns and I live on a rural mountain with lots of deer and turkeys. If hunting proves to be a viable source of protein, all I would need is the other vitamins and such that are required in far lesser amounts. We have a health-food store in town, and I could likely find some vitamin pills or similar. Water is a fairly small problem, as gasoline is abundant in this town, and we have our own well, which could be powered by a small generator.

As far as ammo goes, If it ever seems that we start getting down to the bare minimum of our reserves, I am a decent shot with a bow, and could try to hunt for food that way. If zombies arrive, we would probably be forced to use guns, but they'd be reserved for that only.

In case of disease, I can see two options per sickness.
If it is something curable by the options we have currently, we'll simply cure that person. If it is something incurable, we will do our best to find a better physician, before asking whether the person wants to be killed rather than die from whatever the ailment is. If dialysis works on zombie bites, we will try that first, but if the zombie infection is truly unstoppable once initiated, anyone showing signs of zombification will be shot immediately, in a remote location as to avoid contamination with current supplies and people.

As you can see, I've put an alarming amount of thought into this. I'd love to hear comments or criticism of this plan, since it's a little hobby of mine, to think of things like this.

Also, Arbiter;
If the zombie disease is bloodbourne, you could not live off of the zombies. Simply eating one would quickly infect you. Also, you probably underestimate how hard it would be to actually try to eat a fellow (ex-)human. Try it one day, see for yourself.

you really put some thought into that. thats impressive.

anyway, it depends what kind of zombie. if it's a traditional zombie, I wouldn't give a shit. they don't run, they hardly walk.
I'd set up some sunflowers, pea shooters, tall-nuts and POTATO mines.

if it were the "infected" which can run like the wind, I'd consider the following.

find some old military bunker.
go to the arctic.
build a robot army.
just build a metal wall. no matter how many thounsands of fist are pounding away, it wouldn't break.
oh, and keep a journal.

that's my plan. I'm fairly relaxed about the whole situation.
Last edited by rittu; Mar 9, 2010 at 02:46 AM. Reason: IT'S ARCTIC, YOU FOOL, ARCTIIIIIC
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
about barbed wire......
if zombies cant feel pain, barbed wire is less than useless. it is made to keep people out because of the pain it causes.

for zombies, it might even be something to hang on to while dangling from your car, house, ect. i would advise to not use it for more than slowing them down, or keeping people out. (when the world goes to shit, some people will become sort of "raiders" and survive by killing other people and taking thier things.
zombies wont be the only enemy.

My plans and ideas are based off a slightly modified version of the zombies put forth by the Zombie Survival Guide, by Max Brooks. The zombies I assumed for are completely touch-free, emotion-free, and logic-free.
They're less than insects, mentally.

Unfortunately, they also need no oxygen, or internal organs. The brain is the only essential organ to the ZSG zombies. Due to this, civilian-legal weaponry such as rifles and other non-automatic weapons are the most effective, conserving ammo and killing via headshots. Severing a spine will still incapacitate a zombie, but only because it is unable to move it's legs, not because it feels any pain from the severed spine.


Zombies could theoretically freeze and remain until a thaw in the future. This means your arctic outpost could expect zombie attacks for years after you think you've cleared the area around it. Moreover, if you're talking about the actual north pole, there is a reason humans have never established a permanent civilization there. It is mostly uninhabitable. Without supplies from elsewhere, you would quickly die.

Robot army;
I'm not even going to go into this.

Metal wall;
Yes, it will break.
Just as water can eventually erode the entire Grand Canyon, fists can punch through metal. It may not be immediate, but how long do you really think it would take for thousands of undead to erode through your steel wall? Shorter still if they cannot feel pain or the need for sleep. They'll simply keep punching until it comes down, or they disintegrate, in which case more will come.

I'd love to continue this train of thought.
I love thinking of this stuff.
<DjPz> I don't expect to have sex with the dolphins every time I visit them