do anyone here knows where i can find songs like this in full english?
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
This week:

I'm continuing to post charts here as long as I like doing it, hopefully you'll find something you like once in a while.

wyrd visions

J. A. Caesar

Nova Express Quintet


richard youngs

andrew stott

Dunno what i think about current 93 yet. Liked andy stott a whole lot, I'll have to listen through faith in strangers now.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Wynding Hills of Maine is one of my favourite songs.
Luxury Problems is alright the one stand out track from that album for me is Sleepless though. I like Faith in Strangers more but i don't think it's a better album. On Oath, How Was It and Time Away are the best songs on it for me.
I still havent listened to Popol Vuh at all even though i see it in every chart of yours, maybe i should at one point.
I listened to the Wyrd Visions song you posted and enjoyed it, im gonna look for more later maybe.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
Wynding Hills of Maine is one of my favourite songs.
Luxury Problems is alright the one stand out track from that album for me is Sleepless though. I like Faith in Strangers more but i don't think it's a better album. On Oath, How Was It and Time Away are the best songs on it for me.
I still havent listened to Popol Vuh at all even though i see it in every chart of yours, maybe i should at one point.

Popol vuh is really just fancy synths you might get disappointed.
And yeah recit was good thanks
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Can someone recommend me something similar to these two by grieg? Mellow but not necessarily depressing


Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
This shit JAMS holy shit

Reminds me of Part Chimp a lot, particularly Thriller which i am a huge fan of but I think this has too much blues for me, needs to be angrier and more sombre
oh yeah


See if these work for you
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Thank you, i liked the first one gonna listen to the other ones later.
Also nice Pauline Oliveros quote I think
oh yeah