Couldn't done more than that because of damn momentum.

Anyway, new replay.
CnC kgo!
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just... wow.
I can't even cnc that. It's too good. I don't see anything wrong with it.
Anyways, I'm starting a madman, here's a wip, ignore the punch lol... I need to learn a technique. I don't think classic mod is for madmans
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wipppppp.rpl (74.2 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by tylercoon; Jan 6, 2014 at 06:35 PM.
Patrickooo: I liked it overall but it seemed a bit stiff and slow at times. Plus it was pretty obvious when you ghosted for the pose. The boomshot was nice but a little bit direct for my taste. Good, but I have seen better from you.

Tylercoon: Since you said its going to be a manip I am amusing that initial kick is meant to lift up uke. You are a bit too far back and are going to run into a worse problem then what i had with momentum :<. So if possible get closer and move faster!
Last edited by Ealtrik; Jan 6, 2014 at 07:15 PM.
Name (used for board): T63
Age: 18
Describe yourself gameplay wise: Pr0
How active are you?: pretty active
What kind of replays are you best at making?: Madmans and spars, maby some parkour.
Replays (2-4 of your best replays): k

More commin soon
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Hi there i am kurmit, i have made replays for a while now, and i love to parkour, i do atleast one parkour everyday and i sometimes do replays for the fluff of it, i am practicing spars and i need to get better at those in my opinion, i have a replay thread, and i will be making more to post on there.
I will send some replays i am not really great at replay making but i can be better.
Attached Files
Poisen dart frog.rpl (151.7 KB, 5 views)
Leap year.rpl (321.6 KB, 5 views)
The diary of uke.rpl (177.2 KB, 5 views)
the year of the toad.rpl (857.6 KB, 5 views)
Its not easy being green.
Originally Posted by lukad501 View Post
Describe yourself gameplay wise: Pretty good at multiplayer(any),Good at sparring and parkour, i'm flow
How active are you?: 7/10 on forums (i dont post a lot), 10/10 ingame
What kind of replays are you best at making?: Any,(parkour,spar,selfspar,madman,etc.)

I was looking back in the organizations history, is this guy in his replays are outstanding.
Omfg. Thanks Aiona! I'm gonna post a wip of my manip. Tell me what you think of it!
P.S: I actually tried hard in this replay, I don't really do much in my replays.
And... uh... how do I make the frames longer without resetting the game?
Attached Files
wip manip start.rpl (66.3 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by tylercoon; Jan 6, 2014 at 10:48 PM.
Editing the replay with notepad, find where it has the number of frames, and edit to the amount you want...
Pyro | MF | GerU | Electric | Revel | Essence
I don't have it on my laptop... is there any way to download it? Help, I gotz to do this skeet! :o