Thanks. But the question remains, is training at a certain time each day? Or is it just anytime?
Really anytime, there is a server open now and then, but you can just PM a trainer and ask to arrange a time.

Also, feel free to click on the social group button on the first post, that is where ae are at most of the time, there are some tutorials there aswell.
soo do tachers get paid? if so then i would like to become one. I'm not bad at aikido.. i own at it and wushu
Originally Posted by havokFX View Post
soo do tachers get paid? if so then i would like to become one. I'm not bad at aikido.. i own at it and wushu

If you bothered to actually read the first post, it would tell you that we are a non-profit organization.

Also, I wouldn't let you be a trainer because:
-Trainer is invite only
-You have bad grammar.
Originally Posted by Aaccidd View Post
hi i have a questiono you have to be a high belt to be trained?

Nope. You can join as a student whenever you want no matter what belt.

As for trainer, it is invite only, but we don't care about belt.
Hi, im a new AT just got invited today by Sly.
I'll try an be as of much use to people in need as i can.

By the way this is an alt I am Deathkiing.