Originally Posted by GiraFFus View Post
Hello. Your clan member daveowns scammed me in duel. Please talk with him.

Problem solved. You guys should be more active on forum. Sorry for invading.
My zoo:Vog-dog,kat-cat,Matt76-brother,tman-tbitch,iRookie-lesbian,RKG-erky,brigada-bitch-X.
just cuz you left doesn't mean its dead. We got other people to take care of it like goldgang and daveowns and ariz
Check my mixtape here
Selling my Deac here
Sorry I was inactive for so long but I was just getting back into school and I had to do a lot to get back into the swing of things. I should be here every few days from now on. Also, what the hell is up with this clan... I logged back on and half our leaders are banned and we have soooooo many new people... WTF is going on right now, could someone please fill me in?
|Jupiter|| كوكب المشتري, جوبيتر كبير آلهة اليوناني |юпитер|ζεύς|مشترى, خورشيد|주피터, 목성|
Young got banned for duel scamming and will be unbanned in 6 months a few days ago, and ever since then, I haven't seen a single ENVY VS [Clan Here] at all in the server list
tsk tsk Envy. Get your shit together guys...
|Jupiter|| كوكب المشتري, جوبيتر كبير آلهة اليوناني |юпитер|ζεύς|مشترى, خورشيد|주피터, 목성|