1.3333 brother

also just be chill.. inviting someone could take a day to a month..
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

so worth it to wait though i guess... i'm waiting anxiously
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."
Lol okay. Just plz PM me with your answer so I can know ASAP. :P

What spoiler thing :P
Last edited by Ozauris; Jun 27, 2015 at 11:05 AM.
Chances are you are looking at one of my videos in the post above anyway, so here is my youtube channel.
do that spoiler thing again and i will blast you off to mars
i vote No on both applications(Space and RedStone56)
and someone send damano1 an invite D:


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
Hey am I out or in, if i'm out i'm applying for new one. and your crushed my everything XD
You know what, i'm out sorry, i know im prob not gunna get in and there is a long wait before i can know.
Last edited by Ozauris; Jun 28, 2015 at 06:08 AM.
Chances are you are looking at one of my videos in the post above anyway, so here is my youtube channel.
Alrighty then, here goes nothing.

Nick Names: Hate, Rotten, Vil, Pedo, Pride

Belt: 10th dan

How do you act in game?: Depends on the kind of music i am listening to at that given moment, i tend to remain silent or use whispers, but when i do post, it's usually replying to something. I could list my features forever, but then this app would be boring if it isn't already.

About how many times do you post on the forums weekly?: Not many, i've been getting bored with TB, toxic community, too immature as well. Hoping things change.

Do you use IRC: No, i started to not use skype either, but will if i have to. same goes for irc.

Why are you applying for [Evil]?: Recommended by mat. Said to be the oldest clan currently, and i've been looking for a place to stay without fear of the clan dying.

Have you been banned/infracted in the past (if so, for what): Yes, infracted for asking what a link does when i didn't know what it did (was still new), banned for using the double line color name trick and making other people say embarrasing stuff. Nothing else, no more than half of page 1.

Favorite mod?: Abd, anything that might require a bit of skill, and not ones like twinswords, etc.

Skills outside toribash?: Is Tea drinking considered a skill? I down that stuff by the galons. Puns aside i do have a sense of humor, but nothing like art.

Current clan you're in (if no clan leave this out):

Vouchers(who would say you're good enough to get in): Ugh..... No one? Timezones are the key problem here, i hardly meet anyone important.

Do you agree with the [Evil] Code?: Yes, A strict clan shouldn't have embarrassments.
I should really find a clan.