lol price is high man what do u think u are doing no one well buy it make atleast 65k or 70k
not 150k its doesn't worth it
Come to the dark side!!! we have cookies :)
I don't think that it's overpriced. It may look simple but I don't think it was that simple to make.
Anyway, GL selling it

mabye its not simple to him becuase mabye he is beginner like me i am beginner and made robot set and i am putting it on sale for 20k and its awesome i did no over the price
Come to the dark side!!! we have cookies :)
@decapper1(and whoever else thinks that 150k is too much):Here's a few things that, maybe, you missed while looking at the prices. The AutoBuy is 150k. However, the minimum bid is only 50k! This means you can place a bid as low as 50k. So, if there aren't many bids you could get it cheaper than the autobuy.

Just to let you know.
Thank you. :]
Last edited by megaJuice; Mar 28, 2009 at 10:44 PM.
I think the starting bid is to high.
Look for like 10k
And 10k-15k min raise min raise…

But anyways GL selling
Yeah, I think I will lower the starting bid. But I'm keeping the autobuy 150k.

Min Bid lowered to 20k
Quite cool, but may I suggest you complicate it up a bit. Maybe make it flow a little better, too.
<@Phoenix_afk> pro