As he was the first requester, he got that for free, the next person will have to specify how much they are paying, and ill base my work on that.
+ Details: Me sitting at a table, about to tuck into some pie.
+ Price: Up to 3k
+Size: 1024x768

Can you PM it to me when you have done please.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
here is fezch's render, ive pm'ed you aswell, awaiting payment
Last edited by Bilza; Mar 29, 2009 at 08:01 PM.
+ Details (As Detailed As Possible): hmmm i want my tori (/dl me i have new colors) i want me sitting on a comfy chair watching TV and eating popcorn :P if u can make it animated for like 5 frames i'll pay u 1k extra
+ Price ( How much You Are Willing To Spend): 5k
+Size (In Pixels Please, Its Easier For Me): 1024x768
+ Details I want Uke getting shot in the face by my character with my name behind uke and if its possible blood
+ Price 3k(if you add blood ill make it 5k)
+Size 1280x768