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Shiai Token Change Announcement
Greetings Toribash Community!

This is an announcement thread for the upcoming Shiai Tokens and Shiai Token (ST) Item changes. These changes will take place on April 30th.

So what's gonna change?

1. All current ST will expire on 30th of April.

That's right, we will be retiring all current ST. That means that after that date you won't be able to buy anything with these, rendering them useless. So you better hurry up and buy something while you still have time!

2. All current ST only items will become available in the torishop for Toricredits and/or USD.

So if you wanted a sombrero or a cool beanie, but just couldn't win enough tourneys, you're in luck! Now there will be other ways to get all these rare items.

3. All ES Events will be using a new set of tokens.

New system - new currency. This is so that people with a bunch of accumulated ST can't abuse the new system. Don't worry though - there's still plenty of time to spend your precious tokens.

4. Every month we will have new items available for new tokens.

These won't be just 3D items. High Qi joints, High resolution textures, various hairstyles and other stuff will be available.

5. Items acquired with new tokens will cost very few tokens, but will be untradable.

You can get your tori pimped up to the max in just a few tourneys! We made new items untradable so that they wouldn't hurt market.

So start spending up your ST and get ready for these new changes! As a bonus, we will be putting All current ST items on a 33% sale until the changes take place.
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
If ST is not spend can we keep the tokens? Even if they are untradeable

Yes, but you won't be able to exchange them.
Answer & Question
Originally Posted by C0rruptS0ul View Post
I bet all the rare items from those events are now going to cost a heck load of tc.

Yeah, probably.

(my own question now)

Could we possibly exchange the ST for TC instead? Like 5k each or something? Cause none of the items I saw interest me. I read somewhere that ST are worth like 10k, but there's no way ST are $1 USD each. Also, if we previously exchanged ST for an item and we end up hating the item, can we trade back for the ST and then exchange the ST for TC?

Example: Say I bought a Dread Tail for 2 ST, and I hated it. Would it be possible to get a refund of 2 ST, and then exchange the 2 ST for 10k?
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