Avvy or Sig (both?): both
Size: toriprime size
Reference(Character? Your Tori?): My tori and show my relax
Text?: Sakov Twentyone
Willing to pay?(The more tc, the more effort I'll put into it): 5k
Creativity Is Unlimited
Avvy or Sig (both?): avvy
Size: 150
Reference(Character? Your Tori?): itchigo from bleach in his final getsugatenshou form
Text?: Tzyzuke
Willing to pay?(The more tc, the more effort I'll put into it): 1.5 k or less :P
hey man, can you make a avatar of itachi? But dont put my nickname please
Size i want the bigger to ToriPrime
vai taca
If you can pay, sure....

Do you want a toriprime sized avatar or a vip sized avatar?

Tp: 110x110

Vip: 150x150
toriprime please, and you remember the banner that you made for me? Can you remove my nickname from it, i pay if you want
vai taca
Nah, I'll do it for free.

You already payed 1,6k extra so :P.



Please save the images, want to delete from imageshack.us.
Last edited by Fenris; May 4, 2012 at 03:09 AM.
how many tcs is the avatar?
Last edited by Rude; May 4, 2012 at 03:42 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
vai taca
That'll be up to you.

You payed me 1,6 extra for the sig...So you don't really need to pay, but I could always take donations :P