Cheat engine site changed from the last time I went there. This is a pretty simple hack. But I never thought of doing it, pretty smart .
how do u make the cheats in cheat engine? P.S:i got 88 fps!
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
Originally Posted by Kaiga6 View Post
mine runs slow...whats the average speed?

depends on the computer, but the most logical would probably be 50fps
I haz a Radioactive fetish.
toribash hangs every second
Hey guys,

When i run toribash it seldom runs smooth. I get 1 second of movement, followed by 1 second of hanging. This is very frustrating! I thought it had to do with lag, but i have fps of around 59. The mousepointer moves freely without lagging, but the movement of the dolls don't. Does anyone has any idea how to fix this problem?