Originally Posted by Tapion View Post
I found this!
It's about the word "news"

Sir, you are wrong. It actually originated from "North, East, West, South", cos it meant information that came from all over.
Coward: Cow-ward.

In Norwegian it translates to Kujon. Ku means cow, and Jon is a name. We use names to symbolize "A person that does this thing". Like... Nakenper would be naked man. And Per is a name.

This means, a cow-watcher is a coward.
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
Sir, you are wrong. It actually originated from "North, East, West, South", cos it meant information that came from all over.

"I found this", means that I was looking for inspiration and I found that description on another website, that's why I quoted it.
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