Yeah I'm so rdy for a promotion but I all rdy have one thanks guys !!! also gratz khayz
Last edited by kaiokay; Feb 21, 2011 at 10:36 PM.
I have items you have TC- Lets Haggle..... |TMA|PSY|TNT|AU|
lol... ok just do what i posted for this week to be smiled upon..
I'm not committed to ToriBash... I'm committed to the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE...
no no... this promotion thing is if u want to get a higher rank in [MFR]
but yes u can make MFR look good if u want
I'm not committed to ToriBash... I'm committed to the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE...
omg... ok go to our clan page and look at the tope...
see who is the leader.. thats why i'm have that power..
I'm not committed to ToriBash... I'm committed to the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE...
yes, but how do i get an higher rank how do u decide by what conditions do u decide. If u can't understand this simple think what rights do you have as leader?
But My Rank cant go down right..
That mean ill be colonel Forever..
Never Mind With The Pass,, But Let's Go To The Future!! When We Will Raise And We Still Alive,, We Are [MFR]!!!