Original Post
Toribash 3.0
These are the new features in version 3.0.

- Environments
- Shaders (off by default) (Requires graphics card that supports OpenGL extensions for shaders)
- 2vs2, 2vs1
- removed registration key
- removed demo restrictions
- black belt only server option
- added login (same username and password as the forum)
- new shop items (tba)
- bugs. we will be rolling out patches in the following weeks

To change nick type
/login [CLANNAME]nick forumpassword

Clan tag is ignored as usual.

People who are banned on the forums will NOT be able to play the game, do not waste our time by PMing or emailing us.

Direct links:
Standalone installer... nice and clean

Linux: coming soon

Support for Shaders problems:

Possible shaders activation workaround:

Edit: Stilf: Added autoupdate links and shaders link
Edit2: Added fix for shaders link, system requirements for shaders
Edit3: Removed update from 2.X ; updated link for shaders ; system requirements for shaders
Last edited by Stilf; Nov 30, 2007 at 04:37 AM. Reason: Shaders fix link, shaders system requirements ; Removed update from 2.X ; updated link for shaders
let me know when you expect to release 3.1, haha... this no shaders is killing me... so dissappointing to wait so long and finally have 3.0 in hand and it doesn't have the coolest part working...

... I'll live until there is a bug fix though...
Hm. Someone shed some light on two things for me, please.

One, the graphics appear the same. Is this my fault, or is it something everyone's got going?

Also, how does one go about making environment mods?
I don't see anything different graphics wise. It looks the same as 2.8.

stderr reads:

failed to load texture data/textures/cursor/cb
failed to load texture data/textures/buttons/ready
failed to load texture data/textures//indicator
Last edited by jamieshmamie; Oct 26, 2007 at 03:12 PM.
Originally Posted by Kitsune-sama View Post
Hm. Someone shed some light on two things for me, please.

One, the graphics appear the same. Is this my fault, or is it something everyone's got going?

Also, how does one go about making environment mods?

I can awnser your first question.

Load up toribash and then go into setup and then type in '1' in the shaders box and then hit enter.. if it crashes then your having a problem that some others seem to behaving including myself.

The enviorment mods im not sure on right now but im sure a tutorial will be up in the next day or to to show people how to
Originally Posted by Kitsune-sama View Post
Thanks. Also, I see no 2v2 option. Has anyone gotten that yet, or same as environments?

I dont think theres a 2v2 server yet but im pretty sure thats in the game rules bit but i could be wrong.. Anyways like i said give it a day or two (maybe even a couple of hours) and someone will right up a quick guide on how to use it all..
I'm having a real problem. I tried to zip the file but it didn't work and the download in the "Get demo" page isn't working for windows. plz help