
My god you really do like massive walls of text don't you. Can you not just summarise your points succinctly?

But back on topic.

1) We aren't at war. I don't know where you got this from or why you brought it up, but it is completely irrelevant. And even if we were at war this wouldn't help. Watching your own people will not give you intelligence about the people you are fighting.

2) I'm not really sure exactly what you said next, so excuse me if I misinterpreted what you said. So what if people forget that they are being watched and act normally? If they aren't doing anything wrong then it won't matter. And going back to what Gorman said, "NO ONE CARES ENOUGH ABOUT YOU TO MONITOR YOU."

3) It isn't 'ganging up' on him. It is pointing out where and why he is wrong. That's what generally happens when you discuss something.
If no one cares to monitor me, then why should they?

Your point is weak because it can also be turned and used by me.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
If no one cares to monitor you then they won't. Therefore you shouldn't be worried about this. You will only be monitored if you have done something wrong/ are suspected of doing something wrong/ get on the wrong side of the government and become the subject of a smear campaign (inb4governmentstrangleholdonpower). Just don't so any of these things and you'll be fine. That and the fact that the amount of people required to monitor everyone would be prohibitively large.