Re: The League
When the matches start it will be 1 am for me but I think I can make it there since it's on weekends. Unless I have to be there for three hours or more. That would make it a problem again.

One more thing for Ian (I know you'll read this). My connection screws me over reeeaaallly often. If that would happen, let's say, mid-match, what would it result in? I can rejoin quite fast... But it would probably count as a loss, right?
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
Re: The League
I must join this ok add me in the list
Je fixe les gens même lorsqu'ils s'en appercoivent...

Blame the fact that english is not my default language of communication...
Re: The League
I can make it since it's at 7 p.m. over here. Though I hope un-registered people can join. (It seems like I'm the only active un-registered member )
Re: The League
Unregistered people can join no problem.

So, you guys have a team? If so, organise a leader and send me an application. I think ManBreakfast is playing for Torigod this season, so someone else will have to do it.

Edit: ASAP plz, if I get it in the next 24 hours I can start the league this weekend. Sorry for the pressure, but them's the breaks

Double edit: Recruit Kwomp and Spazzy from here by sending them PM's. They are both awesome players. KwOmp won the whitebelt tournament recently and is rank 9.
Re: The League
Actually... I won't be able to play.

At all.

My father came home while I was on the computer for about a week straight, and thinks I'm on the computer all the time. Then he decides my room is a mess and it's solely because I spend all of my living attention on the computer, and now I'm not allowed on, period. For about... 2 months, if I'm lucky.

I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.
Re: The League
Might be a bit... radical, but, kick him?

We'll keep the clan alive during your time of non-computerness.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
Re: The League
Originally Posted by ManBreakfast
Actually... I won't be able to play.

At all.

My father came home while I was on the computer for about a week straight, and thinks I'm on the computer all the time. Then he decides my room is a mess and it's solely because I spend all of my living attention on the computer, and now I'm not allowed on, period. For about... 2 months, if I'm lucky.

I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.

What you should do is yell "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME I HATE YOU" then start wearing nothing but black and listening to My Chemical Romance.

That'll show him.

Seriously though, parents suck but he's probably doing what he thinks is best by you by encouraging you to take part in activities outside of the computer. It's unhealthy to spend all day every day at it (or at least every non-school minute). Go out and join a sports team or something, that way you'll get fit, make some new buddies, and appease him into giving you back your computer rights. Everyone will be happy.

Also CBK I neeeeeeeeeeed this application in TODAY. I'm kind of relying on you here (also you're in a race with Wolfpack and at this stage I'm making it first in best dressed).
Re: The League
Any one of you can lead the team.

It doesn't have to be me.

Apparently, there's ThatGuy, Hamr, kRokZ, Aesir, and... you need one more.

Decide amongst yourselves who would lead the team.