Pff, apple is perfectly justified in their prices. It's pretty easy to see, too. I just wish more people would notice it and stop saying how expensive and dumb apple is. Anyway, the reason it costs so much is it has an apple logo and you're paying for all that extra gloss and chrome. You get a lot for your money. Plus everyone recognizes that you own a shiny apple product. It's great, well wroth the money, guys.
Originally Posted by Yourface View Post
Lol'd through the entire thing. It's so true.

Now, I should write a rant on why you should make a custom PC instead of buying a DELL.
That or I could just say that you can get a computer twice as better for the same price.

I also almost c/p'd it into photoshop and red-pen-ed it all because of your comment.

Feel free to, also I'd love to see one about building a custom PC, if you want any help finding good parts for examples just ask, or if you can't be bothered say here and I'll do that my self.

Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Pff, apple is perfectly justified in their prices. It's pretty easy to see, too. I just wish more people would notice it and stop saying how expensive and dumb apple is. Anyway, the reason it costs so much is it has an apple logo and you're paying for all that extra gloss and chrome. You get a lot for your money. Plus everyone recognizes that you own a shiny apple product. It's great, well wroth the money, guys.

Apple may be entitled to changed whatever they want, but that doesn't mean that their products are worth what they charge. By example if Dell changed the same amount Apple charges, minus around £100, (which is around the price Microsoft charges for windows 7.) would they be charging a fair amount? Remember, the hardware inside a dell and an apple machine is the same stuff.
(Plus it's not like PC's can't be good looking; )

Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
I wish for apple hardware, windows OS, with linux pricing ;)

Apple doesn't make hardware, they just lease other company's to make it :P
Sure, they put it together, but it's not quite the same.
Plus, all those components are a generation out of date;
CPU used: Nehalem
Current CPU architecture from Intel: SandyBridge
GPU used: ATI Radeon 5000 series.
Current GPU series from AMD: 6000 series.
Optical Drive: combi
Current generation of optical drive: Blue-Ray
RAM amount/speed: 3GB/1333MHz
Commonly recommended RAM amount/speed: 4GB/1600MHz

Personally I'd want my self an i72600K (CPU) with 8GBs of 1600MHz RAM and a 560 GTX, that'd be a kick ass PC. The only thing apple has up to date there is their LED screens, which have the most silly prices I've seen in a while, for a design that's several years old now.
Last edited by Vox; Apr 4, 2011 at 09:40 AM.
Apple hardware -> hardware that Apple uses in their products
I didn't say they had to make it.

Besides, I wasn't talking about whatever random product you picked there.
I was talking about the macbook pro with the sandybridge processors.

Also, why on earth would I want an optical drive? And I wouldn't want a GPU like that in a laptop. The macbook pro comes with 4gb stock, 8 upgraded. And a 2.7ghz i7 w/ sandy bridge processor. I am disillusioned to GPUs now, not caught up in the hype or at all really.

Just noticed something strange too, you chose to examine one of Apple's oldest models, and a desktop no less. Isn't that weird?

Seems like you are trying REALLY hard to make apple look bad... Which is kind of embarrassing and insincere. If Apple really is worse you shouldn't have to try this hard huh?
Seems like your fanboyism is getting hold of you man.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Apple hardware -> hardware that Apple uses in their products
I didn't say they had to make it.

Besides, I wasn't talking about whatever random product you picked there.
I was talking about the macbook pro with the sandybridge processors.

Also, why on earth would I want an optical drive? And I wouldn't want a GPU like that in a laptop. The macbook pro comes with 4gb stock, 8 upgraded. And a 2.7ghz i7 w/ sandy bridge processor. I am disillusioned to GPUs now, not caught up in the hype or at all really.

Just noticed something strange too, you chose to examine one of Apple's oldest models, and a desktop no less. Isn't that weird?

Seems like you are trying REALLY hard to make apple look bad... Which is kind of embarrassing and insincere. If Apple really is worse you shouldn't have to try this hard huh?
Seems like your fanboyism is getting hold of you man.

In order:

No, your right you didn't, I was being a tad pedantic, my bad.

You should probably make that clear in your post then, you can't expect me to read your other posts as a cumulative post, that doesn't make much sense, especially since that makes your post off topic.

Why would you want an optical drive: I use them to read CDs, DVDs and Blue-Ray disks, I don't know why you specifically would want one, that depends on what storage mediums you use, either way people use disks, so over charging for an optical disk drive is still a bad thing.

Yea, I'm more comfortable examining desktops because I'm not a mobile guy, as my rant said I don't know a huge amount about the mobile market, and I wouldn't offer advice about something I don't know about, also I was imitating an image that did a similar thing (for fun), however I don't have that source currently. Basically my opinion of Apple is they over charge people for very common products, simply with the power of marketing, and yes I'm against that, as I said in the same post I'd be willing to do this to Dell as well compared to building your own PC, it just so happens Apple is an easy target. Also if Apple choose to have only old models available for their lower budget desktop range that's not my fault. I picked the most up to date model on offer for that specification.

Fayboy? Of what? Dell? Or just 'not Apple', I don't understand what your random accusation is getting at, if it's flame don't answer this question and I'll pretend we never went down that path :P

Anyway I'm not interested in this kind of discussion, I am interested in "can you justify the £1000 mark-up on this product?". The best point you made there was that my argument is irrelevant because their product is out of date, and if your sticking with that argument then I accept it might be unfair to compare a mobile computing company to a desktop computing company, but Apple don't claim that they don't do desktops, and this is a product they offer that implicitly claims to be up to date.

[EDIT] A couple points I didn't really touch on before: (paraphrased)
"Why would you want a GPU like that in a laptop anyway?":
This thread is about mac desktops, just to clarify, however having a powerful graphics card in a laptop has the benefits of being able to play games, or if your like me help you to test games you are creating.
"The macbook pro comes with...":
Well, I really want to respond here and actually debate weather that product is a viable option, but as I said, that'd be off topic.
"You're trying to hard":
Best. Argument. Ever.
Last edited by Vox; Apr 4, 2011 at 02:31 PM.
Apple don't move their prices down, so out of date hardware is still as expensive as the day it was made, which is why it matters so much.

Can't even remember the last time I needed a CD. I use harddrives or network to transfer data, and I can get movies from online. Blu-ray is redundant technology, doomed to be dead as soon as it was made. No one wants a disc to do what they could do without a disc. Once again, paying for old technology is irrelevant.

Seems like you are a PC fanboy.

If you can't justify PC then justifying Mac is redundant.

Macs have their uses, try comparing a Macbook pro, 13". (If you think PC is so much better then surely you will be willing to have a fair fight)
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Apple don't move their prices down, so out of date hardware is still as expensive as the day it was made, which is why it matters so much.

Can't even remember the last time I needed a CD. I use harddrives or network to transfer data, and I can get movies from online. Blu-ray is redundant technology, doomed to be dead as soon as it was made. No one wants a disc to do what they could do without a disc. Once again, paying for old technology is irrelevant.

Seems like you are a PC fanboy.

If you can't justify PC then justifying Mac is redundant.

Macs have their uses, try comparing a Macbook pro, 13". (If you think PC is so much better then surely you will be willing to have a fair fight)

So Apple fail to adjust to the market properly, most PC manufacturers that survive tend to adjust properly.

With reference to discs; don't assume you hold the one true opinion on this:
If people really thought DVD and Blue-Ray were dead, they wouldn't be used as much as they are. I can understand wanting to lead people into the future by declaring them dead, personally I prefer a digital storage medium my self, but it's not like I don't use them if my computer suddenly bricks its self and it needs to be fixed, and 'going for the future' isn't the same as observing the market as it is today. Overall, people use discs, they are helpful, get over it :P

I'm a PC fan boy? So basically everything other than Apple? I mean, it's not like I dislike C64's or ye olde acorn computers. This is a dead argument, it makes no sense and never has, so what if I'm a fan boy of PC's? Macs underlying architecture is the same as PC's, what I'm talking about is business practices. The most you can say here is that I'm biased, at which point I can provide sources to back my assertions up, go for the substance of my points, not this work around.

OK I have a plan, I don't know enough about mobile hardware, that's why I said it was off topic, so if you believe a Mac Pro will beat a competitors offer, please demonstrate this, I don't find my self to be knowledgeable to do it my self. If you do this please post it here or link me to it, I'll read it and respond to the best of my ability, given the comparisons you draw to demonstrate your own points. If you find your self in the same position as I am in, and can't do it your self, please stop asking me to do it and move on. (oh, and posting a link to someone else who has done it is also fine, just realise I'll assume you agree with any points you link, and don't state that you don't agree with.)
Last edited by Vox; Apr 4, 2011 at 06:24 PM.
The retarded prices are the only reason I never bothered replacing my old Mac. I like them, but they can go fuck themselves if they think I'm paying over £1k for a relatively basic machine.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
you COULD just build or buy a custom pc with cheaper and better parts and get the device that allows you to install mac os on it with the money you'd save. oh and don't forget to get yourself a nice 37" led tv for cheaper than their screen as well lol...

seriously. they only get people to keep buying their products because of fanboyism or because they aren't educated in the electronics world...

while i know my own statement may not be true in all cases it's still pathetic that i can't find another reason why anyone would want to continuously purchase their products after finding out their are cheaper and alternatively equal or better products out there than what they have to offer...

i mean sure the os may be nice (wouldn't personally know what any of the new ones are like as the last time i used a mac was in high school) but you CAN install it on custom pc's. whether or not apple likes this is not the issue. as skulfuk said " they can go fuck themselves"
You don't say?
Originally Posted by Organ View Post
you COULD just build or buy a custom pc with cheaper and better parts and get the device that allows you to install mac os on it with the money you'd save. oh and don't forget to get yourself a nice 37" led tv for cheaper than their screen as well lol...

seriously. they only get people to keep buying their products because of fanboyism or because they aren't educated in the electronics world...

while i know my own statement may not be true in all cases it's still pathetic that i can't find another reason why anyone would want to continuously purchase their products after finding out their are cheaper and alternatively equal or better products out there than what they have to offer...

i mean sure the os may be nice (wouldn't personally know what any of the new ones are like as the last time i used a mac was in high school) but you CAN install it on custom pc's. whether or not apple likes this is not the issue. as skulfuk said " they can go fuck themselves"

People stick to what they know. Apple has a very effective and extensive advertising campaign, so of course people will buy from them. Plus building your own PC is too much effort for most people. They want something that works and they want something that looks nice. For a lot of people Macs fit that perfectly. The extra cost is a seondary consideration.