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Announcing: Cyborg Set
What's up?

Time for a new full body customization set!

You could have already got a glimpse of it at our Facebook page or noticed that mysterious header image on forum.

Well, now it's here!

Cyborg is now available in Torishop for 1 million Toricredits or $100.
There are 20 sets only, and there will be no restocks.

Those who get it within next two weeks will get several additional items listed below to complete their look:

Demon Force
Demon Gradients
Demon Torso
Cobra Relax
Adamantium Blood
Adamantium Ghost

Last edited by sir; Apr 18, 2017 at 04:59 PM.
Originally Posted by Kozmo View Post
I think you missed the demon force demon gradients and demon torso that comes with it

because they are actually good
Maybe if it was pure relax, and imperal ghost / blood, then we'd be talking, but this is just a joke. That's like buying a car and getting a free sticker with it

You don't buy a Lamborghini to get a Prius as a gift. The items were added because they fit the colors used in Cyborg models' textures, which imperial and pure don't do.
If yall can make complex items like this, yall should be able to make a simple martial arts belt.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Real shame to see that it's not a full set. That's a compliment - What there is of it looks rather nice.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
it's a Gundam!
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
This is actually pretty cool, all other collectible items aren't wearable and it doesn't make you stand out that much.
Like, really nice job on deciding it has no restocks.
Any ideas on making it a lottery item or something later, making the 20 a 21, or is the 20 permanent?

Sad I only have 200k and since I can't possibly make any tc I won't be getting it.
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