Your multiplayer replays were ok, some of them were fun to watch, but singleplayer replays have that 500 frames glitch... I mean, they all have 500 matchframes in them, so in a few replays you won't get to see what will happen.
Also, you take a bit too long to get to Uke, it looks like a newbie trying to play Wushu, lol
But in those replays where I could see Uke getting dismembered, I liked the dismembers. They were pretty nice.

Originally Posted by NGative View Post
Well I see Toni likes to hack.
I happen to as well.
Here's a lil something I found that War_Hero made. No more notepad I guess.
Makes hacking a hell of a lot easier and much more fun.

I'll put some proper replays here though sometime in the future.

Drag 'n drop only allows you to move Tori as a whole... You can't move dismembered parts.
Also, hacking isn't just teleporting around (even though I have made a few of that kind of replays), you can use LINVEL and ANGVEL to give the bodyparts some thrust. You remember Skjef's shotputfinal and someone's PONG replays?

Also, I was on a replay rampage a few days ago, and these are the results of that.
Plus a multiplayer match with Teurastaja... Nice throw, even though I'm saying it myself, lol
Attached Files
Tony - Arar.rpl (63.5 KB, 4 views)
Tony - Bleh.rpl (73.7 KB, 4 views)
Tony - Bzeem.rpl (60.4 KB, 4 views)
Tony - Hed Kick.rpl (46.6 KB, 6 views)
Tony - Hee.rpl (54.7 KB, 4 views)
Tony - Pile.rpl (57.5 KB, 4 views)
Tony - Quadruple Pein.rpl (52.2 KB, 5 views)
Tony - Niek fleep.rpl (65.4 KB, 6 views)
I can't watch tge replays atm, but I definately will tomorrow. Also, yes, the PONG replays and the other hacked ones were hilarious thefirst time round. I agree with theanvel and linvel parts, I purely used war_hero's script for moving around.

Also, I am not held liable for any grammatical errors in this post due to me being on my iPod, and also being in a bit of a rush.
That's a little something something I whipped up a long time ago, and forgot to post. So here you go~! I found this deep within the confines of a vast array of folders inside of the depths of my computer.
I was thinking of a fancy new style, and decided to try out.

The style is to have Dismemberthreshold 300, and all the time try to dismember Uke, but even though you don't manage to dismember Uke in one hit, just continue.
Continue until you get one dismember, and go on if you want to, but I just stopped there to try to make a nice pose... Which I ultimately failed to do.
You're allowed to edit your replay, but I only edited my replays to make the hits and movements look better.

Well, if you want to have some challenge, then you should try this ;p

Also added a few replays that I have made in the past, just not posted. If you want to just watch the new style replays, download Tony - Haihaihai.rpl and Tony - The pain of no success.rpl only.
Attached Files
Tony - Haihaihai.rpl (437.3 KB, 8 views)
Tony - Biderp.rpl (124.1 KB, 6 views)
Tony - Harbaram.rpl (89.1 KB, 8 views)
Some of my new replays, first one I did today, it's a practice for Silver Challenge #6.
In 2nd replay I kick Uke's foot and arm off with 1 kick.
3rd one is failed attempt at trying to kick Uke's head, I tried like 1 hour to decap him with that move, but couldn't do that.
And #4 is for lols, splitting Uke in half with my head.
Attached Files
Just like Chuck Norris.rpl (77.3 KB, 7 views)
Leg&Hand1Kick.rpl (54.6 KB, 7 views)
Nothing to see here.rpl (63.4 KB, 5 views)
Use ur head.rpl (33.2 KB, 6 views)