Originally Posted by TimmyboyG View Post
I'm talking about both self dismemberment and dismembering others.
I mean that they should not focus on dismembering nor damaging the opponent directly (Real life aikido philosophy).
They should just focus on staying balanced and making your opponent lose their balance and make them dq.
I have seen a lot of guys constantly trying to dismember kick their opponents.
When they don't get the dismemberment and their arms have been lowered 7/10 times they raise their arms and just lift you out of the ring.

Yeah, you should still try and get dismembers if your in the position for one but don't constantly try or that will probably result in your losing the game, but the way your making it sound is you're not supposed to try to dismember your opponent what so ever, which is completely wrong unless that's the way you want to play.
In my opinion raising your shoulder and lifting your opponent out of the ring isn't the way to go, it could cause arguments because of these moves named "Shovels" "lifts" So in my Opinion you should avoid doing that, but if there not playing fair what so ever you can do what ever type of move you want.
Not saying you can't do any move you want it's just better not to shovel or lift, most people would prefer you didn't.
Hopefully these tips have helped and you can get better at aikido.
Aikido is only about shovels, lifts, suplexes and throws, just like punching and kicking is in judo.
If you dont understand that its your problem, but don't tell others not to play like this.
There is no "unfair playing" in toribash (unless you use glitches), toribash is only skillbased.

Who cries about being lifted in aikido is simply a little kid.
You can see when the enemie tries to or is in a position to do it and its your fault not avoiding these situations.
Originally Posted by forene View Post
Aikido is only about shovels, lifts, suplexes and throws, just like punching and kicking is in judo.
If you dont understand that its your problem, but don't tell others not to play like this.
There is no "unfair playing" in toribash (unless you use glitches), toribash is only skillbased.

Who cries about being lifted in aikido is simply a little kid.
You can see when the enemie tries to or is in a position to do it and its your fault not avoiding these situations.

That's why i said it isn't up to me so you can do any move style you want, but some people would prefer you didn't
Well, I think that there are some tactics which can dm you pretty fast in ABD or Aikido: the enemy shovels/lifts you high enough so he can lower the shoulders and make a crazy kick which will dm you, but I think rotating in the opposite direction when he does this move can help you a little bit.
No complains, I am still experiencing Aikido and ABD!
Conner, You should join in a Clan lobby like Lets say, us (Bomb) members are playing. We usually play ABD. Just join in and /spec and watch us fight. You'll learn more in game fighting and watching than you will in the forums. Although, All of the information that people have said I mostly very good. But You need to learn your own way Sir.