ain't funny man!
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1st. That was a very fcked up and boring joke. Nobody laughs with you. We laugh at you.
2nd. This forum/board aint made for joking around like a silly 7 years old.
3rd. I thought it was a try to lose your title as "Toribashs #1 lifter".
It'd be really nice if you ignore the irony of the given "#1 lifter of Toribash" asking for help at something he's the "best" at doing.
Ok so to lift make a fake kick then go make it higher and then....... GET REKT SON THATS ALL THANK U VERY MUCH. But sometimes it happened :l
Originally Posted by Hypersaint View Post
I thought it was a try to lose your title as "Toribashs #1 lifter".

But I am proud of that title, why would I wanna lose it?

K closing hue
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