I think he should call a professional too, but coming from a poor family, I also know the financial stress that veternary bills can be. This is a cat acting funny, not a human family member... There is a chance that these action will subside and just have been the cat being quirky... "quirky cat" is not something you want to pay $500 for a Vet to diagnose.
Originally Posted by Novitech View Post
I think he should call a professional too, but coming from a poor family, I also know the financial stress that veternary bills can be. This is a cat acting funny, not a human family member... There is a chance that these action will subside and just have been the cat being quirky... "quirky cat" is not something you want to pay $500 for a Vet to diagnose.

my experience with vets is that if they think it might not be anything serious theyll tell you that over the phone and not have you come in. They don't want to waste their time and shove appointments around for nothing.
As soon as that vet hears that the cat is having respiratory distress they will have it come in... cats breathing funky make vets flip out. I know this from experience... my cat used to breath funny every once and a while (like panting like a dog) and we called the vet about it. She was really urgent about things and had us bring her in, and then pretty much told us "yeah, she's just doing that because she wants to"...
maybe his girlfriend left him and he need a hug?
shook: Here i thought Wibbles had reached rock bottom, and then this guy brings a pickaxe.
♪ 『macAbrE』 ♫
Fuck you guys that's not funny.
I checked him now,When i open the light he's still meowing and i noticed he pee'd,What does that mean?
I don't know what it means...but maybe its scared ..chased by some dogs or something of that sort..

Well I suggest giving him peace & lonely time..
Cats love Tom&Jerry..maybe let it watch it.My cat enjoys it..
Last edited by AKP; Nov 26, 2008 at 07:11 PM.
KONY 2012
oke you should really call a veterinary station...if the cat is breathing fast and shallow and/or is looking scared there is a great chance that your cat got hurt (hit by a car, bitten by a dog or smthn else).

either way call the veterinary station.

Toribash does not employee certified veterinarians. If you want us to, please send hampa $250000 to start a veterinarian corporation. Until then, just go see the local vets. It saves you time, effort, and probably your pet's life.

Now, go.

Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!