Man your obsession is getting quite annoying..

Please stop, no one cares that you know my alt. Pointing them out every time you see me is getting old.
i second stealth on this one, in short:

iver's Moderated Message:
ok you can't say people are rejected with only 2~3 votes. pls :v

too bad i lack mod powers to add this to his app, but again, w/e
Last edited by iver; Jan 23, 2015 at 06:08 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
ew. I don't know who is this guy but we can't reject people with 3 votes, derps... :v

Also I played some matches with him. And I'll hold my vote for a while.

PS.: Noob, don't post here anymore unless we ask something.
Hello, my name is Bence, but I am known as seryoshi in this game and I would like to apply to The Aikido Team.
I live in Hungary, in a small town called Bükkábrány. My GMT is +1 and thanks to my keyboard I am one of the few people in toribash who can write the character 'ű',as it is only used in my country (it looks exotic, doesn't it?).

The first aikido based mod I played was plain ol' aikido.tbm, since than I have played aikidobigdojo and, thanks to some of the ingame GM events, a couple of matches in these mods with some slight alterations.

Even though I am a big fan of this mod I have yet to play aikido7.tbm. I have never found a room in multiplayer with that mod, but I hope that will change with joining this organization.

I try to avoid using 'cheeses' in aikido.tbm, such as leg grabs, shovels, snapkicks, these tactics take little skill in my opinion, hence I tend not to use them. Often times I try to make the games a little more interesting/challenging by not grabing at all (I have been thrown out of the ring countless times because of this).

I do not duel, I only play aikido for fun and to improve. I have played most of my aikido matches in public rooms, but the the servers that have thought me the most are the quick aikido rooms. The shorter reaction time sets a basic challege itself and it helped me with learning the basics of the joints when I started playing this game.

I hope to become a better aikido player with joining this organization and to have some people who can show me their playing styles and some variations of this simple, yet entertaining mod.

Replays: I do not make backup saves of my replays, they are deleted with each update. I only have 2 decent ones, which are pretty recent.
Attached Files
Somewhat cool save.rpl (65.6 KB, 19 views)
Another save thingy.rpl (63.1 KB, 12 views)
Last edited by sery; Jan 23, 2015 at 09:18 PM.
Hello, my name is Thiago Reis and in-game is Thii13
GMT -3: 00.
I play Aikido way since 2012, when I started playing toribash today and always step into a room to play.
I would like to participate in this Time of Aikido ....

Thanks and have a good night!

My user card

my replays
Attached Files
#Thii13- Dat DM.rpl (44.1 KB, 9 views)
#Thii13- LOL salve.rpl (51.9 KB, 5 views)
#Thii13-Replays3.rpl (46.3 KB, 5 views)
#Thii13-Mega Save.rpl (51.8 KB, 7 views)
I really like seryoshi's application. He also has a nice playing style.
I would like playing some aikido7 with you.

I'm neutral on the application made by thii13 since I haven't seen those replays yet

i am a bird now - Lil B