Ho there - good luck with your clan!
DSC looks ok yet - but I'd still suggest to get some gabs between the paragraphs. I I personaly dont like that color, but thats your buissness :P
And try to get a banner maybe - its not that expensive and looks way fine

Good luck again - on your road to become official, too
Rien ne nous conserve soigneusement avant d'illusions comme un coup d'oeil dans le miroir
ty everyone for the Luck xD and scooter your a bit low of a belt but i let u in as a junior gladiator make ur name jnr[Gladiator]scO0ter
:forum is here
:ingame liek when u play

and activity is how much u are on

but i can't say the post count amazes me.....

green belt lol wut?
good, you are in, have junior[Glad] in front of your name, and it's good that u speak english and russian and also can run.