This is not a game. It's supposed to be a serious discussion about Sampandora. Oh well.

Xenmas Pros
- Cool
- Leader of Pandora
- Good Grammar
- Senior Member
- Good player

Xenmas Cons
- Not my friend. Yet.
- Fish texture. Yuck*
Originally Posted by sampandora View Post
ok im sorry but i have been thinking about punching a bullie in the bridge of the nose.

i do martial arts if you want to do any damage open your hand into a palm then strike in the adams apple with the tips of your fingers.
Xenmas Pros
- Cool
- Leader of Pandora
- Good Grammar
- Senior Member
- Good player

Xenmas Cons
- Not my friend. Yet.
- Fish texture. Yuck* '

whats that?

do one of mee!
Haxu Pros
- Cool
- Good player
- Very active
- Been around here for a very long time
- Relatively good textures

Haxu Cons
- Eh?
- Can't think of any.
- Not the best English speaking person.

Seriously though. This is a Sampandora discussion thread. Stop being so Offtopic. :<
You got kicked once and then got asked to join back. It's very ironic.

Torikai pros
- Friendly
- Good Reputation
- Good player. Ish.

Torikai cons
- Useless posting/talking everywhere but the forums. I.e. Everywhere that you can't get evidence.
- Inactive.(The hell? Since when?)
- Very Inactive.( here^)
- Can be childish.
- Gotten infracted or banned?(Never banned before)

Can't Touch This
jsnake , mae a thread about those pro and coin things , then make one about everyone
If I make pros and cons for everyone, it'll end up being mostly cons. Since being the cynic I am, I will probably manage to alienate everyone. Beside this is still meant to be a discussion about Sampandora and whether to kick, demote or do nothing about him.

Torikai: Well I haven't seen you post in awhile and I haven't seen you ingame very often.