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Toribash Cases/Crates
So I was looking at the Toribash Jackpot thread idea and I noticed a post recommending crates/cases. Much like in csgo you can acquire cases and open them with keys for a chance to get a rare weapon skin or knife.

So anyways I saw this post by Swaves recommending it and I'm taking it upon myself to make this thread for it. So how this will work you may ask? Players will acquire crates as items through tourneys, market, buying them from shop with either tc or real money, etc. There will be a certain amount of different crates that you must have a certain amount of qi to open. The higher the amount of qi needed to open the crate, the better items in them.

Orders: The cases could be organized like White-Blue, Brown-2nd dan, 3rd-5th, 6th-7th, 8th-9th, 10th-custom, master+. Cases can also be classified as certain item type cases. Example: Platinum Blood Case (8th-9th dan). Also say you are a 6th dan black belt but you don't feel risky, then you can purchase a case on any lower tier as long as you have enough qi to do so (which you obviously do). I also recommend including an ultra rare item in each case such as a 3D item or an expensive no qi item. Note: These are just ideas in a recommendation. These are able to be altered, like everything else here.

Payment: Player will be able to purchase these from the shop for in-game currency, shiai tokens, or real money. They may also be sold and purchased from the market, so incase you are not feeling lucky or do not have the funds to open it, you can sell them for tc until you have enough to or just keep the tc and buy the exact item you want without taking any risks. Cases and opening prices will increase in price as the items in the crates increase in value.

Tourneys and GMTourneys: Since the cases will be items, sending them shouldn't be an issue. You win a tourney that is qi restricted to your belt and the game or GM's send the cases to you. I know what you're thinking, what about alts? Well my friend, the player will have to pay money (in-game or real) to open the cases so going into lower belt case tourneys would be illogical for they would surely not want to deal with shittier cases than that of the cases they could have gotten when playing on their main.

Opening Crates/Cases: Here's the part that it all comes down to. Opening crates will cost a certain amount of tc, shiai tokens, or irl currency. As stated before, the price of opening a case will increase with the rarity and price of the item contained inside. Much like csgo, the slider will glide along a long strip of items with the more expensive items being more rare to get.

Post Opening: Once the case has been opened and the player has received the item that they earned, they may do whatever they please with it as it is an ordinary item.

Tell me what you guys think about this idea. Any advice or recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

Shout out to Swaves for coming up with this brilliant idea.

Concept art? But of course. ;)

Oh I forgot to mention the effects it may have on other features of toribash. Silly me. This may cause an increase in people that purchase qi, so that they can unlock better crates, It will increase marketing, help rid players of spare shiai tokens that they do not want to use, More circulation of items*, and another use of shiai tokens besides buying 3D items.

*Just gave myself an idea, if you have alot of a certain tier of items you can trade up, similar to csgo's trade up system. You will be able to take say 10 tier 4 items and trade them up to a tier 5, 6, or even better tier item. If you guys support the trade up idea along with the cases idea, say pineapple along with your recommendation.
The trade up idea will reduce the number of low tier items that seem to be everywhere.
Last edited by Bercat; Jul 9, 2015 at 05:25 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
i like the idea of shiai tokens being used to open them

Well yeah that can be an option to open the crates, or you know, tc >_> cuz not all of us has really been winning a lot oc GMTourneys lately..
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Originally Posted by Rhaemond View Post
Well yeah that can be an option to open the crates, or you know, tc >_> cuz not all of us has really been winning a lot oc GMTourneys lately..

TC, shiai tokens, and paypal money will be acceptable payment options to open the cases. More variety, more customers. Please everyone.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
Originally Posted by Insanity View Post
Wat's cases??
Just wait for the LoTTeRYY !

Cases will be a permanent thing and you won't be gambling with other players, it's just you that gets the prize, what that prize is, is the gamble. Say you pay 5000 tc for a crate, then use a shiai token to open it. You're gambling to get an item from the case that is worth more than the 5000 tc and the shiai token that you spent to open it.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
Pointless? This "pointless" idea will give people something new to do around here instead of browsing the forums for countless hours with their hands on their asses. Not to mention the trade up idea which will get rid of alot of overpopulation of chronos and other shitty items on the market. Also, it's not "every game", nor is it going to be exactly like csgo, alterations are always a possibility. Look at the situation from a different point of view for a change. Just because you don't like the idea doesn't mean others don't and if it does get put into effect you can choose not to use it! Isn't that fascinating?

Removed useless bit ~Cheshyre
Last edited by Cheshyre; Jul 11, 2015 at 04:50 AM.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Gum honestly not too sure why you're so against it. I think it'd be good if it was done right. Put items into categories, like higher tier items in a rare category that's obviously rarer to get rather than common which would be like orc or something. I think it's fine and have a very rare category with collectors items, just do categories based off of the worth, I don't think it's a bad idea at all, just may need some tweaking just like any good idea.

Maybe have seperate cases for different tiers and values? Have a case that's for collectors items and then one for each tier of colors. Hell you could even make the color tier one purchasable with TC.

Rare items are only rare because of how many are in distribution. Same concept with high priced items.

To make this even remotely appealing, the prices for crates will either have to be dirt cheap or they will need to have really nice drop chance for the items people want.

In reality, for every 1 void or demon joint you see people get, at least 500 or more will get useless items like gradients.

edit: plus in the time it would take to get a high qi item or rare item I could easily buy it with tc and resell it for a profit. Wasted time, wasted tc, wasted effort. That is why I see this idea failing.
Last edited by Gum; Jul 10, 2015 at 06:11 AM.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Originally Posted by Gum View Post
Rare items are only rare because of how many are in distribution. Same concept with high priced items.

To make this even remotely appealing, the prices for crates will either have to be dirt cheap or they will need to have really nice drop chance for the items people want.

In reality, for every 1 void or demon joint you see people get, at least 500 or more will get useless items like gradients.

There are different priced items where you can make your tc back or make a few 1000 at a time. Winning big is rare, like it is supposed to be. Losing is part of the game, that's why it's called a gamble not a give-away. You win some, you lose some. 1 void or demon joint is the "jackpot" prize. There are other prizes that you can win where you will still make money. The jackpot prize is not the only prize, I hope you have figured that out by now. If you don't like the chance of losing tc then you can go sign your ass up for a fuckin give-away cuz this idea isn't for pussies scared of some numbers dropping in a free game on the internet.

If you don't want to use the cases then nothing is stopping you from not using them, they are simply there for people that want to try something new and maybe make some tc while doing it. It's not always about winning with these either, the rush of opening a case is worth the price in itself. That's coming from someone that has opened 3 cases in csgo and gotten 3 $.04 items from them, if you didn't know that cost me around $7.47.
Last edited by Cheshyre; Jul 12, 2015 at 12:24 AM.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
Originally Posted by Bercat View Post
There are different priced items where you can make your tc back or make a few 1000 at a time. Winning big is rare, like it is supposed to be. Losing is part of the game, that's why it's called a gamble not a give-away. You win some, you lose some. 1 void or demon joint is the "jackpot" prize. There are other prizes that you can win where you will still make money. The jackpot prize is not the only prize, I hope you have figured that out by now. If you don't like the chance of losing tc then you can go sign your ass up for a fuckin give-away cuz this idea isn't for pussies scared of some numbers dropping in a free game on the internet.

If you don't want to use the cases then nothing is stopping you from not using them, they are simply there for people that want to try something new and maybe make some tc while doing it. It's not always about winning with these either, the rush of opening a case is worth the price in itself. That's coming from someone that has opened 3 cases in csgo and gotten 3 $.04 items from them, if you didn't know that cost me around $7.47.

This is similar to the csgo cases, I will admit, but with lower prices in comparison to csgo's cases. Not everyone wins and that is what gambling is. So, if you can't put your big boy pants on and accept that you didn't win something expensive or even made your tc back then you should go grow a pair and suck it the fuck up.

This idea might work for a short time, but I dont see it lasting for long at all. Look at things like the old toribash lottery for example. It was great for the short time it lasted, then people lost interest.
Last edited by Cheshyre; Jul 12, 2015 at 12:23 AM.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Originally Posted by Gum View Post

Ive made and lost more tc in the market in this game than you could ever hope to see, kid. Im just pointing out the flaws in your idea to try and help you realize them. If you cant take the criticism from someone who has forgotten more about toribash's market and economy than most people know, then maybe you should go back to CS. Seems you like that game way more.

This idea might work for a short time, but I dont see it lasting for long at all. Look at things like the old toribash lottery for example. It was great for the short time it lasted, then people lost interest.

As long as people enjoy it for any amount of time, I will be satisfied. Also, it wasn't my idea. Maybe if you had read the original post before spoutin shit this could've been avoided. I'm defending someone else's idea because I believe that this could be a new form of betting/gambling in the toribash community and I believe that almost everyone that uses the cases will enjoy them.

It also seems that there are alot of people on this thread already that would like to see this happen. Like I stated before, as long as some people enjoy using them it will be worth it and if you don't want to use them, then good for you, don't. This will affect the market so insignificantly and along with the item trade up idea, we may finally be able to cleanse to market of so many shitty items.

If these cases are made non tradeable there is no chance of people going on alts and winning lower level tourney's. Even if they did go into a lower level tourney on an alt and won, the amount of times they would need to win in that room just to equal out with what they could have earned in one tourney win on their main account is astronomical.

Maybe cases don't even have to be qi restricted and there could just be one generic case for each item section, such as bloods, forces, relaxes, etc. Instead of just complaining about the idea and how you dislike it, how about you help fix the kinks in the carpet and give me some suggestions. If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Last edited by Cheshyre; Jul 12, 2015 at 12:24 AM.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus