Original Post
2011 World Championships: Result thread.
How do you report the results?
This is the main thing that is being changed. Instead of PMing Huck the results, the WINNER must post in this thread. You are ONLY allowed to post results of a match. If you wish, you may add screenshots in spoilers. This thread will be moderated carefully. If you lie about a match, you will be disqualified from the tournament. You are to post in this format:

Round #: Player A vs Player B. Score: #-#. Winner: A/B

So for example,

Round 1: hampa vs Huck. Score: 2-1. Winner: Hampa

Note: This is not a question thread. Any posts unrelated to the topic will be deleted automatically.
Also, please check to see if you have already been advanced before posting.

@GMs, Smods, Admins, anyone who can arrange the competition board:

Round #: Username vs Username: Score -- Confirmed
Last edited by Huck; Aug 9, 2011 at 05:20 PM.
Round 1: Jomoko vs.noskcaj. Score: 3:1- Winner: Jomoko -- confirmed

Round 1 : Blackdemon vs Gollum21 - Score 2-0 -winner: Blackdemon -- confirmed

Round 1: Miroke vs Dead - Score: 2-0 - Winner: Miroke -- confirmed
Round 1: Firen vs Uberis. Score: 2-1. Winner: Firen -- confirmed


On a side note.

The match will consist of a Best of 3 duel, or first to 2 wins. So for example, we have Player A and B dueling. Player A wins 2 fights in a row, he wins the match. If Player A only wins 1 match, but B wins 2 matches afterwards, then Player B wins.

If someone didn't get what Huck meant i'll try to explain it a bit clearly (although i think that was already clear enough).
Possible results of your match on the first round can be just 2-0 and 2-1, basically the first one who wins two matches gets to the following round.
Last edited by Pulse; Aug 9, 2011 at 06:39 PM.
Long gone