I take requests, free for Guardian Members only, and add Wild to the videos too, he has shaders, and I would love to see his work to a fast song ^^
yeah I downloaded Sony Vegas Studio 8 and everything I have to say it's freaking awesome, I'm gonna work on movie but it's secret what it will be about.
dowload Adobe After Effects, it is much more ftw, after it you will be using Sony Vegas just to put the clips together
I downloaded adobe premiere pro and adobe after effects, and they didn't worked on my computer because I have athlon xp and thay don't like athlons
Rey, don't worry, I've got this under control. Plus, I do tons of stuff, not just clan photos. Pretty much, if you name it, I'll give it a try. So let me handle it. I will put up the shop either tommorow or Sunday.
hey hey Power I can take any request on texture set, head or movie, or sumthing like this
Hey wild, can you imagine a set for me ? I want a set wich corresponds to my head tex so Monkey can you do that ?
(¯´·.¸¸.-> Il-Freddo <-.¸¸¸.·´¯)