why you think without emotion noone would be motivated?
beeing motivated is not an emotion it is an state
when you learn for a schoolsubject that you will never need in your later life you learn for it too
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
Originally Posted by Killjaden View Post
why you think without emotion noone would be motivated?
beeing motivated is not an emotion it is an state
when you learn for a schoolsubject that you will never need in your later life you learn for it too

Emotions cause someone to become motivated, they have a feeling about something, they want to become happy, and become motivated to do so.

What is your dream job?
Why do you want to do that job?(because it makes you happy)
Is happy an emotion? (yes)
Are you motivated by emotions? (yes)

And, we learn school subjects because it is a crime not to, not because we are in some "trance" or what you call a "state" to do so.
the god
The emotioned versus the emotionless.
Man versus machine.

Man is stupid, yet curious of the nature of the world.
Machine is intelligent, yet indecisive of its course of action.
Man is independent.
Machine relies upon external references.

Someone without emotions can make decisions, but only through logic. Logic is slow, and does not do well with the amount of information and possibilities that are encountered in the real world. Furthermore, without emotions, there's no guarantee that logic can actually be formulated.

Humans are stupid, but that's what makes them smart. Or at least smarter than your pet rock.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
It's like the Jedi and Sith.

Jedi fight with no emotion only towards there ex-padawan. Unless they NEED to be killed. Obi-Wan didn't understand what Anakin was gonna become.

A Sith uses every bit of emotion he/she has in his/her body.

Well, Spock seems to get passed this matter quite well, I also agree to choose Logic over emotion, but that's not always the case because were not in space where Logic is Necessary and Emotions aren't.

Also in Equilibrium they all seem to be progressing at a very steady rate. If they didn't have a corrupt ass hole. That Emotionless society would only make progress and nothing more. Unless some Emotional Rise ass hole shows up and sets every one back a couple of years.

It's impossible to ignore our emotions though. No matter how hard we try we seem to care about something.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jul 4, 2010 at 12:15 AM.
logic is a means to an end. Logically nothing matters since the universe is probably an uncaring void/will go on whatever happens. Logically you can do whatever you want because logically you don't know everything and your decisions will always be inherently flawed. You use logic to accomplish what you want emotionally. To think is to be emotional.
<FeD> i will allow my ass being raped
At first, I though you we're talking about this emotions:

But then, I felt stupid O.O

Anyway, I think that suomynona is right...

Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
The emotioned versus the emotionless.
Man versus machine.

Man is stupid, yet curious of the nature of the world.
Machine is intelligent, yet indecisive of its course of action.
Man is independent.
Machine relies upon external references.

Someone without emotions can make decisions, but only through logic. Logic is slow, and does not do well with the amount of information and possibilities that are encountered in the real world. Furthermore, without emotions, there's no guarantee that logic can actually be formulated.

Humans are stupid, but that's what makes them smart. Or at least smarter than your pet rock.

Emotions are one of the greatest problems in the world, but at the same time, the most effective solution. Also, I can't imagine a world without emotions. Humans are like, emotion it self somehow. As I can't imagine the world without us, I can't imagine it without emotions. I might be a little (Or a lot), hypocrate or idiot, but I can't help it.

Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
It's like the Jedi and Sith.

Best. Analysis. Ever.

Alot of the arguments are "get rid of emotions to consentrate on moving forward."

But most if the achievements in this day in age is based on emotions and has nothing to do with the necessity of life. For example the Apple Iphone.
It is more of a want than a need as it plays on emotions such as lazyness and desire, but it still is a massive achievement.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
It's like the Jedi and Sith.

Jedi fight with no emotion only towards there ex-padawan. Unless they NEED to be killed. Obi-Wan didn't understand what Anakin was gonna become.

A Sith uses every bit of emotion he/she has in his/her body.

Well, Spock seems to get passed this matter quite well, I also agree to choose Logic over emotion, but that's not always the case because were not in space where Logic is Necessary and Emotions aren't.

Wow, someone never watched either of these shows.

Star Wars: "Search your Feelings"
Star Trek: "Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human"

Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
Humans are stupid, but that's what makes them smart. Or at least smarter than your pet rock.

You leave geo out of this
I barely watched the Movies because the books were 10x more bad ass, but watched them enough to know how they all tie into the star wars universe.

The Books some Jedi eradicate emotion completely.
The Sith feed off emotions and use it to their power. Jedi do not or they'll become Sith. Since i think you only watched the movies, Anakin falls victim to his feelings, Obi Wan also fell victim to his feelings for not killing Anakin the MOST powerful Force Wielder since Darth Bane and Darth Plagues (Darth Sidious Master), but is only 80% Power because the Force runs through every part of the body which he lost all of his limbs. Also Darth Plagues could have concieved of Anakin because Plagues had the ability to create and destroy midichloron. And since Anakin (Young Anakins) Midichloron count was 20,000 per cell count which is a hell of a lot more than sidious and yoda combined. Only a Sith Lord could do that.
Part of Star Wars is about not falling victim to your feelings as it only clouds a jedi's judgement.
Qui Gon almost fell to the darkside through anger once, but realized and gained control of his emotions. He fell to the darkside because of Tahl or whatever was killed and he was hell bent on Revenge so Qui gon chased the killer.
and there are like 20 Star trek Movies all having Spock slightly different. That Qoute from Wrath of Kahn is probably hell of a lot different from Star Trek the newest one which portrays Spock as a logical being almost emotionless at the beginning until he saw his Human mother killed and planet destroyed.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jul 4, 2010 at 05:34 AM.
The movies are a higher level of cannon than the books.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well