Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo View Post
Shoveling is annoying. That being said, if you do it I don't see the need to Baaaw over it.

Players who aren't Aikido savy haven't a clue how to counter it and that's completely their fault, because it's a cheese and cheese always are high risk. Lowering your shoulders on the first turn is a great way to have either 2 fractured shoulders or just an arm completely dm'd.

The only reason I dislike Shovels is because even though I do know how to counter it, I feel like the person who chose to shovel is now dictating my game and forcing me to play a certain way which I don't like. In wushu, I play as I want with any style I want and so long as I outplay them I can win. Whereas in aikido, if you shovel, there's only a few small answers about what you can and must do. So even if it's easy to do, you're forcing me to play YOUR game and it's a lame one.

Your first sentence, you don't like LOSING..
it's not about shoveling what you're saying it's about losing.
And about him choosing to shovel, it's his choice you can't force your opponent not to do a move.
It's not that they're forcing YOU to play in a certain way it's just their method of playing just like you're method you're playing, fact is those are very two different methods probably but none of them is different in fairness because in my opinion they're both fair!
It's their choice and people shouldn't hate it..I still fail to understand why would you hate just another move like any other move.
Pendragon = Bandwagon.
the object of the game is to win right? then why not use or the moves at your disposal.
when fighting actually fighting someone are you going to let then win because you wont grapple them but just throw punches i think not!

besides most experienced players can counter a shovel fairly easily
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...I'm not talking about losing. I'm talking about cheesing.

Shoveling is a cheese. It's a high risk high reward tactic that doesn't require a lot of skill to perform in order to secure a win early.

So let me use another cheese in another game as an example: Starcraft 2, Zerg 6 Pool.

Starcraft 2 is all about macroing up a good economy whilst having a good standing army to fight whatever army you've scouted they're making. It's an intelligent game about resource management that should last about 14 minutes.

A player can always CHOOSE to build a spawning pool at the start of their game and rush you with zerglings. If they do it, and it's countered, they almost definitely lose. If they do it, and it's not because you couldn't counter or didn't spot the 6 pool, you lose.

6 pooling is fair, it's easy, it's easily counter-able by even mid level players; however, it's boring and forces both sides to play the same game everytime it happens. Shoveling is the same way. It's fair, it's balanced, I can counter it easily, but man are you boring if you plan to keep just doing that and forcing me to counter it.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I don't hate it, I just dislike it.
I'm not one of those kids that say "omg shoveling noob"

It is easy to counter, but 1 wrong move and the guy wins.
It's annoying.
Pretty much all the noob moves are annoying anyways.
you can call me "that kid that say omg shovel noob" but untill you will call people by name they would not understand anything.

shovel is gay if you use it you are faggot. same goes for openers in wushu.

no offense to gay people tho.

i enjoy to read people who hate shovels too but write about it like it's not a big deal to avoid to look like "that guy" or even try to play devils advocate, which is fine if you are trolling.

p.s. having a strong position on something even if not entirely "correct" is better than have none and to be "tolerant". or even worse to be bipolar or to say "both sides are right". avoiding edges much?

my 2 cents here.
Last edited by snake; Jul 23, 2013 at 06:20 PM.
Some people do it because they're faggots for TC.

Some others do it because it's a simple move they can remember.

Originally Posted by SP1R17 View Post
shoveling IS annoying, but its allowed.
But you should try to counter it, crying wont help.

Yeah. Also in my experience, most people who get shoveled are pretty much setting themselves up for it. If you're going to start with an opener where you're taking your feet off the ground, you really have no right to complain about getting shoveled.

Same with people who complain about leg grabs when they try to kick.
Shovelling can be easily disable at some points, and it can be very good if you want to learn how to do saves or learn defence tactics.
it is VERY unfair on tourneys and ect but a very good move