Drama bomb: good flow, good hit. but i didn't like the way you got into the pose.

Freshman's jig: r u serious

Aquaboogie: good opener good hits flowing into pose and a damn twitch.
alright guy
Opener was pretty basic.
The jump looked really floaty, for a second I thought you were using -9.68 gravity.
The spin was great, you kept your speed really well throughout it.
You could've had a lot more spin on the cork if you went into it faster. You slowed down your spin right before you jumped which killed some speed you could've thrown into that cork.
As it is, the cork was nice. You ghosted your legs in the spin, which sucked.
Transition to the pose was nice, can't say I enjoyed the pose too much. It was too bent over and the lumbar looked weird to me. Also, didn't like the way you kept one elbow laxed and the other held.
Overall though great movement, nice flow and you didn't have any twitching problems.
Cool opener, I think you could have done a lot more with that spin without having to grab him though.
I thought it was a very wierd choice to grab his shoulder, since you reversed the spin completely after that. Grabbing something that had been dismembered in the first kick would have forced you to replace the grab which would have been a much better option.
Crotch kick is pretty solid, well aimed and everything, but it only really paid off when you finally switched the grab. Just a shame that you decided to go for a regular kick instead of doing something interesting with it.
oh yeah
Lovely dms but how messy it was made it un-followable and kinda awkward.
The opener, as I know wasn't serious, didn't help at all and was really unneeded
@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system32
opener what?
Continued nicely anyways, love everything from 875 to 735.
I like the quick transition to the chest boom but I was hoping for something more creative with the torso.
Maybe slam it into the ground or something, for now it's a meh opener and wow-ish two kicks and then meh again.