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June Art Express

This months' Art Express is the first in Oyster's completely revamped format, and he hopes you enjoy it. It's been a tough one to write, and with the staggering amount of new
talent on the forum, it took quite a while to find and compile the best of the best. He's even added a few new features to accommodate the new wealth of fine art.


The Artist of the Month award this June goes to KungFuJC! This was an unusually difficult decision, but JC is an unsung hero of the art world and a highly underestimated talent.

KungFuJC's entry for the Best Creature Event

KungFuJC's old head.

With a totally unique style comprised of both striking realism and a powerful imagination, specifically in sci-fi esque pieces, KungFuJC is a force to be reckoned within the
artistic world-- and one I'm sure will be recognized in the future beyond our little forum.

KungFuJC’s incredible online sketchbook


As opposed to the Artist of the Month award, this was a no-brainer. Within only a month on the TB forums, this artist has
managed to master mapping and develop his own technique, simultaneously original and eclectic.

The Newcomer of the Month award for June goes, hands-down, to Ghiita!

Ghiita's "Ram Knight" head, slightly reminiscent of fawflaw's Pixel Warrior but with a dash of realism and a hefty dose of macabre.

Ghiita's latest set WIP; note the use of color and tones to offset the greyscale detail on the legs and head, and the beautiful, even shading throughout.

Some of Ghiita's other work:


Ghiita has also made several contributions to the community, including an excellent tutorial in the HTS on shading.


This months' best shop was also somewhat difficult to choose, as there seem to be a lack of talented artists producing request work. However, with a fresh and creative
layout (that obviously took quite a bit of effort to make) and some seriously awesome vectors, Ale and PRAdA's Burrito [shop] takes the proverbial cake.


The Vid of The Month Award for June goes to Bust3r for his Smile video, a stunning synthesis of brilliant camwork, excellent sync,
vibrant visual effects and an effective use of the beautiful new Real-Time Raytracing feature introduced in the release of Toribash 3.9.

HD YouTube Link

Also note the amazing intro with the original use of a real-life gymnastics clip skillfully blended into a Toribash replay and Bust3r's
innovative use of text and logo effects that has set the bar high for today's video-makers.

Last month Pate5 wowed us all with his incredible knight head-- but he didn't stop there. With yet another stunning blend of realism and
imagination, Pate5 takes the Texture of The Month award for June again with his knight set!

With a mind-blowing synthesis of flawless shading and incredible detail and tastefully and artfully rendered Gold details,
accents and trim on Platinum armor plating and chain mail, this is easily one of the most impressive Toribash texture sets of all time.
Sporting a war-worn look that conveys both the glory of the battle and the tolls of violence, this impeccable and
evocative piece of artwork sold for a whopping (and well-deserved) 300,000 ToriCredits. Bravo, Pate5.

The Art Express is written by Oyster.

All artwork shown in the Art Express is the sole property of its' owners or creators. The artworks shown cannot be published elsewhere without specific consent from the creator of the piece.
Doing so entails both plagiarism and theft of intellectual property, and will be punished accordingly.
Last edited by BlakNWyte; Jun 22, 2010 at 08:52 AM.
Amazing winners, all deserve there spot in here.
Great job!
<B0JAN> Ninis will get dick for money from me. I'm poor.
Good job KungFuJC, and congrats to Ghiita too! Something tells me that he'll be in the spot above quite soon.

Ale's shop is really nice also, I'm surprised the prices are so cheap there.
Last edited by JinxZ; Jun 22, 2010 at 04:21 PM.


Burrito shop is awesome, despite having like, 1 customer ;]

JC is an unsung hero of the art world and a highly underestimated talent.


I don't get it.

Everyone in the art community knows him and his great work. Defiantly not unsung or underestimated!
I wonder who writes these thinngs :3
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post

Burrito shop is awesome, despite having like, 1 customer ;]
"JC is an unsung hero of the art world and a highly underestimated talent."

I don't get it.

Everyone in the art community knows him and his great work. Defiantly not unsung or underestimated!
I wonder who writes these thinngs :3

lol.... ^o^ *ego inflation 300%* heee...

Thanks everyone, and congratz to my fellow awardees too.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post

Burrito shop is awesome, despite having like, 1 customer ;]


I don't get it.

Everyone in the art community knows him and his great work. Defiantly not unsung or underestimated!
I wonder who writes these thinngs :3

Everyone in the art community, but due to his lack of textures or shops most people don't even know about him.

'bout time he got some props for his amazing talent.
back from the dead
great to see pate5's set up there!
Also very epic video by bust3r!
as for everyone else, congratulations!
Out of nowhere, I arrive.