Originally Posted by Varkenoss View Post
I like the black and white style of my work. I mean I don't paint with only black and
white, unless that's the only colors that are necessary (like the zebra somewhere up
there.) I paint with color whenever I paint, and I don't paint as often as I sketch, but I
still paint. I'm more proud of my sketches, because they're clearly better. I think I only
posted one painting, which was the zebra, and I've done better things than the zebra.
Personally, my favorite sketch is the charcoal Buddha one; first nondigital link. I've tried
colored pencil, but I like having a way to have every shade possible, which I can only
achieve with pencil, because of how hard you push, while in colored pencil you need the
different colored pencils, which I don't have the time to find every single shade of x
color before I draw, when I can just pick up a pencil and begin in black and white.

Get what I mean? :P

All your colours can be created with one pack of carisma pencils. I mean i have a shit load because of school ect. But colours can be lightened and shaded with meer changes of weight. Adding blue or white to any colour creates the light or dark tone. Try experimenting with odd colours, i mean take for exam my final still life. I never used black once. I used a series of reds, yellows and blues on top of each other to creat the darkest shade possible. colours great, practise makes perfect though, dont be afraid to experiment with odder colours. Also little tip to creat the darekest colours dont result to black, look for the colours your working ontop of's contrasting colour. And it almost everytime gives you the best effect. For example, use purple ontop of yellow for cotrasting shading.

Have fun.
Dirtnapp, I love you.

That's actually going to help me a lot. My teacher once tried to explain that same thing
to me, but I didn't quite understand what she was getting at; now I do. I already
understand how to shade using contrast colors and stuff, but I mostly just do that in
painting. I thought it only worked for painting. Now I'm really anxious to go use colored
pencils. Too bad I don't have any. Not even the crappy crayola yellow red blue purple
orange green ones, let alone the olive green, sky blue, etc ones. I need to get some
colored pencils. Soon.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
Ha glad it helped, you cant pick carisma up anymore they went out of buisness. But they were bought over by some other company with a similar name produceing the same quality pencils. I know theres a set we use at my school which has good quality pencils to, not sure the make and there a little cheaper if i find out i'll tell you.