I am an s4 in CSGO
totally would be up for some casuals

Styx (something something goblin dude)- pretty good, can't play it too long because I'm truly not a fan of stealth games but this one is decent and free on ps4. The only problem I have is the fact skills take up so much gameplay potential, like if I want to assassin's creed dropkill some guard I should be able to do that as I begin. Well, that and guards don't react when someone dies from accidents, like fucking chandeliers falling or eating poisoned food. No reaction at all.

Elder Scrolls Online- Skyrim but larger and with pvp/raids. Same thing otherwise. Much more focus on combat, less on sneaking around and stealing shit, also combat now has abilities and such instead of just two hands (though it still exists).

FIFA 15- I streaked 9 goals on the same player in beginner mode, couldn't even get near the goalie box in semi-pro. gg
goodbye cruel world