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Further support on duel cases
Many duelest have seen it and realized it, duels are becoming full of loopholes and lies.

Basically what Im suggesting is either a return of fully supported item duels or an item duel command with 4.3 or what ever the next release is. I'll give a example to show why this is an issue.

Ex1: Bob duels Jimmy his 3 full 512's vs Jimmy's 1 Million tc(I'm using extremes to show the point) Bob loses and feels like a jerk. In his head he knows it will take him months to regain those such valuable items but he also knows that ban length is 1 month and the admins will not do the transfer for him. Instead of paying him he takes the ban because he knows he will be reunited with his items after 1month.

That is the mind set of many of the duel scammers, seeing they would never recover the lost items so just get banned with them.

Loopholes are also an issue

Ex2: Tom is a dueling book worm and knows every rule inside and out and isnt afraid to abuse them. With the addition of duels not being supported if involved "rules" he intentionally gets John who is not a rule worm like Tom or just doesnt expect the worst. Tom loses but because of the rules the admins dont handle the case and the scammer is free. With john now aware of the loopholes he uses them, Tom uses them and it spreads to everyone spiraling out of control(Kinda how it already has)

Those are just some of the loopholes abused in duels.

Im only making this suggestion to save duels before its really too late. I talked with firebolty about this case and he said he saw how it was an issue aswell but Im unaware if any discussion or consideration ever took place so I'm just placing this here so everyone can see whats on the minds of the duelest.

P.s Dont let this accounts join date fool you, I've been around for years and I can proudly say before duels were unsupported the dueling community was safe and scam rates were much lower than they are now, another thing to think about.

Quotes and discussions.

Last edited by moneyboy99; Feb 13, 2013 at 04:18 AM.
I Understand thewolff's argument. Duel reports have gone unsettled, ignored, or not even posted on for weeks with bumping. Knowing not much will be done about something that happens frequently lowers your spirit to try to do something about it. Also Once again btw I talked with a few gms and they arent happy with the duel scam reports they get, and neither are many duelists, any type of item duel system would save the duelest community but would I or some other players be able to make a duelest org for those upset with the current duel conditions.
out of curiosity what was the date duels became unsupported.

Im gonna average up the duel scams in every month from when it was unsupported to back when it was to back like 2009 or so.

This is a little conversation I recorded with one of the gms, many of them arent very pleased with the duel scam reports they get atm. Ill be posting more quotes from other gms possibly aswell as duelests

The frustration of a fellow duelests.

anyways from now on these will be in a spoiler on the first post.
Last edited by moneyboy99; Feb 13, 2013 at 03:23 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
So basically you're wanting to dump more work on a staff group that already has a stack to do? Expecting someone to be available 24/7 and willing to jump ingame to babysit a duel is ridiculous, they're volunteers. It simply aint gonna happen, and since Shmevin is already on his last warning from me over duelling crap he's the least of people to think has good ideas.

Just stick to duelling people who can be trusted, if someone's a douche about it then shitlist them. Before long it'll be back to how it originally was & duels will run smoothly again.

Was I just insulted for reporting a duel to an unwilling staff member? I'm suprised.

Dueling is a way to make money in Toribash, just like betting, marketing, etc. We use our ingame skill in gambling to make money. Why should we not be supported by staff members if such things happen so often? Not only do we get ingored, we even get banned for the simple fact we that we got scammed.

Let me show you the reasoning behind my idea, this is a very good read if you are unbiased on the topic of duels, duelers, and duel scamming.

Wall o' text

Last edited by Discobash; Feb 13, 2013 at 03:29 AM.
Oliw101 is such a god damn scumbag.
He tries scamming on his alt
Scams on his main
Gets banned
Keeps scamming
Gets ban extended
Keeps scamming
Originally Posted by moneyboy99 View Post
out of curiosity what was the date duels became unsupported.

Eh? There's incredibly limited scenarios where duels are unsupported. Allow me to quote:

Originally Posted by duel scam "rules"
Note: We will not be dealing with your case if you used "no lift/kick/whatever" rules during the duel.

Obviously we can't enforce that sort of thing, and even if there was an item duel system it wouldn't help in that regard.
Those types of duels always end in people arguing, one persons word against another's etc.

As for other duels, if it was done using the /duel command then TC will be refunded if something goes wrong - eg a ping or the other person deliberately specs or quits (the latter ideally having a screen shot to go along with it). Item duels have some support too.

Meh, there's a sticky in the scam report board that outlines it all. Basically saying that duels aren't supported by us is plainly wrong.

99% of the problem is the users. You lot either don't check if the other person has the item or whatever you're duelling for, you fail to get screen shots to go along with it or you go running to the wrong places - prodding GMs, smods etc isn't the right way to go about it. Use the damned scam report board.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by me125 View Post
Oliw101 is such a god damn scumbag.
He tries scamming on his alt
Scams on his main
Gets banned
Keeps scamming
Gets ban extended
Keeps scamming

Oliw101 is banned. As are his alts. He's got nothing he can duel with.

Originally Posted by moneyboy99 View Post
I Understand thewolff's argument. Duel reports have gone unsettled, ignored, or not even posted on for weeks with bumping. Knowing not much will be done about something that happens frequently lowers your spirit to try to do something about it. Also Once again btw I talked with a few gms and they arent happy with the duel scam reports they get, and neither are many duelists, any type of item duel system would save the duelest community but would I or some other players be able to make a duelest org for those upset with the current duel conditions.
out of curiosity what was the date duels became unsupported.

They are still supported. As far as reports that get ignored go, some people don't post evidence. Some people post screen shots of themselves flaming their opponent. Nobody is going to help you once you've made it perfectly clear you have no respect at all for your opponent. Other people don't even check to see that their opponent actually has the items or TC they're playing for.

If you think you need to be constantly taking screen shots of your duel, just in case you get scammed, you shouldn't be dueling in the first place.
by when it went unsupported I really just mean, when was it staff stopped transfering AND Banning, thats when it really picked up. Im can do average of 2months before duel scams were unsupported and the previous 2months to show how many more scams are clearly taking place.
Supporting duel scams is actually less work considering people will stop duel scamming, slapping a 1 month ban won't really affect them.
If the items got transfered anyway, there'd be no point in scamming so people would stop and duel scamming would start to fade away.
Originally Posted by me125 View Post
Supporting duel scams is actually less work considering people will stop duel scamming, slapping a 1 month ban won't really affect them.
If the items got transfered anyway, there'd be no point in scamming so people would stop and duel scamming would start to fade away.

1) It IS more work for the staff to have to tap into each and every account that gets banned for duel scamming just to send the items/tc.

2) The banning system works on points. The ban length is ultimately determined by how many points they have accumulated onto their account, and those points take a good while to expire.

3) What happens to the people who duel for items they don't have?

4) What happens to the people who sell the items before the 24 hour waiting period is up?

I have even more reasons why that system you proposed would fail/wouldn't work, but these are just the main reasons against it.
Duel scams used to be supported, how did they handle it back then?
3 and 4 is auto ban, what else?
It might be more work in the start, but in the long run people will not scam as much.
Originally Posted by me125 View Post
Duel scams used to be supported, how did they handle it back then?
3 and 4 is auto ban, what else?
It might be more work in the start, but in the long run people will not scam as much.

They handled it with a less updated version of the points system I mentioned. And you aren't required to duel people who don't have the items they claim to wager. If you can clearly see that and duel them anyways then it looks as though you are trying to worsen the situation. Just don't duel them if they don't have the items/tc they claim to have on an "alt". And an autoban isn't the answer for everything. I recall you recently had a spat in which the agreed flames were sold and the player owed you the tc afterwards.


If a new system were to be thought up and implemented, there would need to be some way of being able to verify that the other dueler had the wagered items/tc. But then again, like fish said, there will always be loopholes in the system.
Last edited by Wolfe; Feb 13, 2013 at 07:55 PM.