First thing first. To those who "cnc'd" earlier in this thread, saying a replay is a 4/10 or a score in general with no real advise honestly does nothing for the replay maker besides make them feel shitty. Posting cnc, unless the replay maker is clearly at the top of their game should be cnc and not some useless shit-post.


The Shadow
I don't see that much to cnc in the replay. It is fairly short and straight forward. If you post a replay that is a bit more lengthy I would be happy to write you a whort novel about it.

Frames 1000-950
The lowering of yourself was not really that interesting a way to start a replay. The neck was a bit wobbly and felt kind of awkward. In the future try to do something a bit more creative and take some more time. It really looked a bit rushed, what helped me out when I started was to look at others replays and inspect them. Figuring out how to move correctly is really helpful.

Frames 949-0
I would love to cnc a lot more but there really is not much content in this replay. Once you sank down you should have tried to follow your momentum instead of raising up like that. The way you swapped your momentum made it look really chippy and strange. You also phased your arm through your leg, unless it fits the replay well I would not advise doing that since you don't really have a style yet. The kick was really basic and the pose was a bit sloppy. Its clear you are starting out and I encourage you to just keep trying to improve, watch other replays and try to learn from them; rather than just viewing them.
Another replay also hump to bump!. The replay is a callab with conpound to dont give all the credit to me.
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Last edited by Terada; Mar 25, 2015 at 08:17 PM.
Sup dear

The opener was realy slow. You could spin more, use your arms and chest.
This replat looked very stiff, improve your fluidity.
The kick could be way more powerful...
The skeet has no reasson, ukes head was just next to you.
No pose
Samsung and Apple users don't know about Google Pixel
Ok thank you For the CnC ill try improve on those things. Here is a tricking replay i have not done one in a while to don't be to strict
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Here is another replay. i made it like straight after i made the tricking replay nut i thought id wait a while before i posted it
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#Terada [S][SD] - WarriorV3.rpl (132.5 KB, 4 views)