Any grey + ANY COLOR

Or you could try complementing colors


You do realize he said under 50k right?
Take a monotone color(QS, Plat, Perhaps Ivory) and then use any kind of relax which isn't generally monotone. Certain colors won't look good together though.
hmmmm I was also thinking of something withought a high qi limit, 1omething under 1500.
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
QS=16-18k. 0 QI.
Hunter=8-9k 0 QI.
Static=30k 0 QI.
You were saying?
Sapphire relax + quick silver force

each item are worth less than 50k
but they look really nice with the right textures.

Radioactive + Raider. Both not super common like Hunter, fairly priced, look cool, and I'm selling them ;) lol
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
Originally Posted by chamara View Post
Go to the market.
Set max price to 50k.
Find joints.

Do this and then take a look at all the joint combinations possible in the 50k range: