If he's ripping an arm and attack with that it is in my opinion. Like using uke to do something you couldn't do without him.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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I always thought "without uke's assistance" meant that you make no physical contact with uke. And with uke's assistance is being able to have uke control his joint, and help you in w/e task your doing.

Definition from Dictionary: –noun the act of assisting; help; aid; support.

So if the task if jumping the highest without uke's assistance, then it seems to me that any interaction used that help assisting, helping, or aiding the goal of jumping higher would be considered using his assistance. The synonyms: benefit, service, and benefit also reinforce such argument. Though I understand many other old schoolers and replay makers have said that uke's assistance only means you can't control uke's joints.

I think a fair remedy to settling this for everyone is break it down into 3 catergories instead of 2, With Uke's Assistance: moving Uke's joints to accomplish the goal better, Without Uke's Assistance: moving only tori's joints to accomplish the goal but being able to interact with Uke as long as uke isn't being controlled (aka, grabbing a head and throw it for more momentum, or jumping off his head, etc.). And No interaction where the player can only use Tori and isn't allowed to interact with Uke's body (aka, jumping off it, using his limbs for momentum, etc.) to accomplish the goal.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Sep 18, 2009 at 03:31 PM.
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Originally Posted by beznick View Post
the highest jump with Uke's assistance is ~26.38 by Tamer0

hmm... I was wrong, because then I hadn't known about this record :O

Highest Uke Toss
March 21st, 2007
Distance: 33.67m
No Mods

So, "highest jump with Uke's assistance" rather is an useless record ;p
Yes, they should be merged. So, Dafe is winning with 33.67m.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
So, Dafe is winning with 33.67m.

He even got 35.04 meters in this replay... someone did a mistake while "counting" ;o
Ah, thank you, using a computer with no toribash kindof sucks.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by shikodude11 View Post
so whats the record? i dont get it...

...It's the highest jump.
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