i say yes
what are you one of the 99% if justin beeber was jumping of a clif that would say stop------ or the 1% that wouls say do a back flip ?
Name :Nick
1 Age: 12
2 Belt:Blue
3 Why do you want to join jeffice-FLAME ?:i want my first clan and to be one of the best and im good at aikido,judo,twinswords
4 In-game activity (1-10, 1=bad 10=best) :7 in the mean time i need to study
5 Forum Activity(1-10, 1=bad 10=best) :4
6 Any previous Clans?:nope
7 What can you do for the clan?:i will serve for th clan and help this to be the best and official clan
Last edited by Devouerer; Oct 20, 2012 at 03:52 PM.
1 Age: 14
2 Belt: black

3 Why do you want to join jeffice-FLAME ?: because the clan name and the people are epic and i get along with them
4 In-game activity (1-10, 1=bad 10=best) :8
5 Forum Activity(1-10, 1=bad 10=best) :8
6 Any previous Clans?:yes, a long time ago
7 What can you do for the clan?:i make youtube vidz and i can help recruit lots of my friends