20 pages due in 3 days.

2 exams that I havn't gone to any of the classes for, in 1 week.

Back in highschool/first year this would easily cut it, just show up for the exams and do the assessments the night before, and you can easily get 80-90 average. I guess this year not so much...
math test in 20 minutes, I'll tell you how I do...
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
now that I read this, especially mapleleaf's post

Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post

I always do my shit on time (read: the night before), albeit not way in advance. But I actually decide to do it that way, it's not like I go: "k ill do it later", "ok tomorrow", "eh it can wait" or anything like that.

It occurred to me that if that is the description (do stuff on time but only just so), I don't procrastinate. Unless there's no deadline, as is the case with my room.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
I have a spanish project including a poster thing due tomorrow, as well as a french essay. The french essay deleted itself twice, so I got an extension date to tomorrow. I've only written one page. I haven't done the poster for spanish yet.
hmmm.. let's see.

OH! 6th grade, science class. Had a report due on tornadoes and shit, had to add details, pictures, etc. Didn't finish till the night before, and even then i got up in the morning to do more :V
Hhahahah Bios only in 6th grade sad.....maybee thats why hes childish
well back to subject I have gotten addicted to procastiination
im just so lazy to do it in the begining
I believe Bio was talking in the past :|

Also, I've done it too many times to count. Just look at this: http://forums.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=191158
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

I am a filthy procrastinator. i almsot never do anything until the last possible time frame tht it could be completed.

Like, literally.

In school, i never did homework and then crammed it all in the morning when class started. sometimes that worked, mostly it didnt and i got into the habit of doing the hard stuff at home
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
I have >100 programs "in development"

I had to chose subjects with no coursework (essays, projects, etc) because I can't time manage because well.. I'm lazy as balls. In lessons where I did have coursework I did so much worse then I could've done due to my immense procrastination skills.
I always wait to do my weekend homework until Sunday and I usually don't work on any projects with the exception of art projects until the last 2 or 3 days before they are due.