Originally Posted by DoomDrone View Post
its the first step to greater things i say. but still can u think of how our lives might be effected.

probably only slightly for the moment.

It's not like they're going to start using it in everything now or anything. Even if it were a huge breakthrough, it'd take a while before society starts making use of it.
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
Well duh, they can't just create a cell out of thin air. They used a host cell - probably a stem cell, which they also used for cloning- to make the synthetic one.

Not yet anyway

The really cool stuff is when they figure out how to make non-carbon based life forms, imagine an iron based lifeform, crazy shiz.

Originally Posted by Chac View Post
okay, where the fuck did you read that? you're just blatantly making things up now

This isn't a debate, facts are not a requirement :P
That. Is truly awesome. I saw it on the news this morning and thought it was really cool. Kind of surprised me that someone made a thread about it.

I wonder what the next step is, and the step after that.

Can we make small insects in a couple of years?
Scientists have probably been able to do this for a wile now... this is just the first release of any success. I have no doubt in my theory. Its like what the "government" doesn't want us to hear.

They will create something simlar to monkeys wich will destroy the world and evolve to humans who will create those cells agian.
Originally Posted by DarkSamurai View Post
They will create something simlar to monkeys wich will destroy the world and evolve to humans who will create those cells agian.

It's the ciiircle of liiiiiife, and it moves us allllllllllll
Through despair and hoooope, through faiith and looooveee....

Okay, gay moment's over. Go on.
(Insert some form of an animation or a slightly wise and/or satyrical statement here)
thats pretty amazing, because surely if they can do this they could create synthetic chromosomes and probably even create a synthetic organism. And if these cells also go through mitosis then it could even be possible to create, after a lot of research, a synthetic plant, which could possibly be a copy of some edible plant and lower world hunger. yeah, i guess i am getting way over my head =P, next i will be saying the same thing as samurai
Drinking coffee and not contributing to society are just two of my many talents.
Although what they did was important,it's not really worth the hype people are giving it.They think it's the a very big discovery while it clearly isn't really a discovery.It's just an experiment that led to the creation of a new synthetic bacteria.This could be a block in the creation of other useful bacterial cells:The one used for the removal of CO2...
That's were the challenge will be.They didn't state anything in the source but I'm implying that this came from random experimentation of joining bits of Dna together from the chromosome they "decoded".I'm afraid if it happened this way,we won't have control over what we create.

Interesting though.
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
Well duh, they can't just create a cell out of thin air. They used a host cell - probably a stem cell, which they also used for cloning- to make the synthetic one.

okay, where the fuck did you read that? you're just blatantly making things up now

whoa bro calm down
The point is, that they put in genes they made. I really doubt they'd be able to make a cell from scratch anytime soon. But think of the implications of this.. they could do it with a female egg cell, a sperm cell.. It's a cool road they're going down.

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