call this quantom jumping, praying, meditating what ever its all the same thing.... the point is your not really going anywhere, you're just meditating, somepoeple float while they meditate and others can stay in 10 degree weather with out clothes, the point its mind over matter.

the kind that josh grimes is talking about is a different type having to do with lazzers.
Originally Posted by sirkill1 View Post
somepoeple float while they meditate

source on this please.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
i dont have a source or links, but there was a famous yogi master who was meditating in a full locus position and was floating a significant distance off the ground.

He had his forefingers pressed to his thumbs and allowed children to climb all over him and find the source of his levitation.

When the children broke his fingers apart from his thumbs, he fell to the ground.

Here's a couple random google results:


Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
source on this please.


well its not technially floating, but floating sensations that ten degrre weather thing is deffinately true though i cant seem to find the source....it was a google news article
Originally Posted by WibbleWarrior View Post
"Unbeleavable story"

Here's a couple random google results:



Not trying to be a dick, but thats not a very good way to convince someone of something :P
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by deady View Post
Not trying to be a dick, but thats not a very good way to convince someone of something :P

Not to be a dick, but anyone who doesnt employ the necessary research to convince themselves of something (i.e. putting faith in other people's research) is gullible.
Originally Posted by WibbleWarrior View Post
Not to be a dick, but anyone who doesnt employ the necessary research to convince themselves of something (i.e. putting faith in other people's research) is gullible.

Me? I've read enough to form an opinion of meditation. I also know that these sorts of stories are often used to push religions, and have no actual proof aside from the stories themselves. If you mean that me simply reading about meditation is different from trying it, you are very right. I think the human brain can do some amazing things, but I also know that the laws of gravity prevent people from floating, and that several monks used to do this as a trick to convert people. Honestly I compare it to this

These things are set up to trick people, but everyone knows they are fake.

What I was stating about your post was more the approach you used, not the content. Sorry, I like learning about rhetoric, and the over all structure of your argument stood out to me. Had little to do with the monks themselves. Like I said, I really wasn't trying to come off like a dick, just something I noticed.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by deady View Post
Me? I've read enough to form an opinion of meditation.

my point. opinion < fact.

I also know that these sorts of stories are often used to push religions, and have no actual proof aside from the stories themselves.

Encouragement to do it yourself, prove it first hand, and not expect someone to show you/do it for you.

If you mean that me simply reading about meditation is different from trying it, you are very right. I think the human brain can do some amazing things, but I also know that the laws of gravity prevent people from floating, and that several monks used to do this as a trick to convert people. Honestly I compare it to this

Oh, right. and like, what do you know about the laws of gravity, pray tell?

These things are set up to trick people, but everyone knows they are fake.

What I was stating about your post was more the approach you used, not the content. Sorry, I like learning about rhetoric, and the over all structure of your argument stood out to me. Had little to do with the monks themselves. Like I said, I really wasn't trying to come off like a dick, just something I noticed.

Criss Angel, ftw. was that the episode he pushed down a tree and levitated? lol TV is mostly hoax material anyways.

I saw an even cooler video of a guy running on water. literal success, abusing physics.

It's all about speed. like skipping stones. but with your feet.

Oh yeah, completely forgot to reiterate my main point:

Do it yourself , figure it out for yourself, and there's a point i would liek to make about the scientific method: it works both ways.
it is just as gullible to believe everything is false unless proven true as it is to believe everything is inherently true.

my overall point is im not trying to convince anyone. i am secure in what i know, and experimenting with what i think or believe.
Last edited by WibbleWarrior; May 26, 2010 at 06:55 AM.
assuming you are talking about another dimension and some sort of method to get there?

in theory it is possible, many physicists believe it, I to believe it, although practically impossible because the cheapest method I have read about is making a gigantic proton smasher (like the one in Europe, i think Sweden) around the asteroid belt, and that would cost more resources than we have on earth at the moment.....

and the proton collider is just step one in opening a new dimension
I type as I speak, with several commas and run on sentences, dont be hatin'.