Originally Posted by OfUnknown View Post
@PateI currently like it very much, I would like it more and buy it for 5k if you make eye's connected and more into a visor, and make the face more wide. Maybe add some more wires and Gaia Eyes. That would be exactly what I'm looking for. ;)

OK, i'll do it.
Texturing tutorial
No requests please
Just made this, am i going in the right direction? Ive still got to add the aqua/gaia details and some vents and panels etc, need to something with those big spaces on the lower sides. Il improve it tonight if you like it

Youshop | Art
Here's my edited head. If it's ok, send me the money, and i'll pm you the texture. It it isn't say, what you want i do to it.

Texturing tutorial
No requests please
wow very nice pate, looks like something out of star wars, look a bit stormtrooper like hehe. Just been turfing through my texture folder and found this as well, dont think it'll beat pate's but whynot eh.

Youshop | Art
Exactly what I wanted pate, but as I said can you please make the face more wider?

And nty spree
To be exact, I really just want the "Mouth" wider, maybe like a clone trooper?

@Zane, sorry I was mean't to say nty. I probably forgot to post it on my latest post before this =\
Last edited by OfUnknown; Nov 13, 2008 at 02:16 PM.