Glad to be here in [MLO] ;o I have a few songs, I know this is a bit of dub step but this remix is so fantastic.

I've listened to this song so long but have never known what it was about. I started listening to the lyrics and figured out it was about the American Revolution and how we stopped our connection to the king, great hard rock song for sure by Avenged Sevenfold.

This song, I've known since I was so little, but it has so much inner meaning to me. It's about so much more than a pretty girl and him being far away from her. Plain White T's delivers such a heart hitting song and it's always been one of my favorites.

Overall these 3 songs throw a great mix of music together and have me addicted to music ;o
Whats up Patric. You're in!
I like that song you posted. Very..loud? I don't know. But I like it.
I think you Might like someone called GramatiK. He does a sort of modern jazz.

Whats up Ryan? You're in as well. I didn't like that song you posted. :<
It's probably because I like old school rap, not this new school stuff.
I also like this guy. His style of rap is something I like.

Welcome to [MLO]!

And hey Chem. That first song I don't like. It's just like all of the other dubstep I've ever heard. Especially that drop. I think it's just horrible. But the original is ok.
The second song is nice. I love Avenged Sevenfold.
And the third song was a bit too melo for me. idk

This song by Danger is one of my favorites. It has heavy bass, especially with sub-woofers.
Last edited by Galaxy; Dec 3, 2014 at 03:08 AM.
The Reason I like the Counting Stars Remix is because they sped it up a lot, and the song really needed it. But it flows so well. Also, Danger is a pretty amazing song. Very chilled, but also very original. Sounds eerie and battle-like at the same time. I'm not the biggest fan of dub step but this is pretty good ;o

As for songs that really bring goosebumps to my skin. Paramore has always been good at that. The females singer singing the pitches and type of genre she does is just amazing. The song doesn't have too much lyric meaning to me, because it's about cheating and tempting a man into a trap and taking him from another girl xD But otherwise, the beat and guitar combination are quite excellent.
I liked that song chem. But I thought the intro was a bit..out of place. But other than that the song was great. I like the singers voice and pace.

These two songs bring back good memories. (cries)
Originally Posted by XSQUIDLZX View Post
If there is a song in the post above youre, you MUST give it a review.

Pls Ghost.

But that is a bit long. I'll listen to it tonorrow. ;)
I also think you should focus on one song at a time. Possibly implementing this as a rule later on.
Originally Posted by XSQUIDLZX View Post
Hi Jay. You have been accepted! I'll add you to the members list.
About the example you gave: I actually love Eminem. Just not that song, lol. My favorite from him is probably Mockingbird. It may be a bit sad but I like it.
Welcome to [MLO]!

Yeah some of the eminem songs are pretty sad and make u wanna cry.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
Name: Rikev
Age: 15
GMT: -4
Favorite genre of music: chillstep/country
Least favorite genre of music: rap/pop
Favorite music artist: Alan Jackson
Least favorite music artist: any rapper/pop artist
Favorite music sharing website: youtube ofc
One example of your favorite music: Alan Jackson - little bitty http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo2OIUpWznY