I am inviting you as a trial. If you keep posting on our clan thread you can get a member.
Btw, you didn't read the rules, but lets forget that.
i am a brown belt
i like about all of the mods
i read the rules
diamond seems like a clan that i would fit in with
Why don't you use the real app and you haven't read the rules...
No, you are not in the clan.
1. 2nd Dan
2. 2169
3. 14
4. Erthtkv2
5. Sparring mods.
6. 6
7. 6
8. I've been looking for a clan, since I haven't been in one for a while now.
9. Yes, I have. dmnds
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!
#1 Belt: 2nd dan black belt
#2 Rank: 49522
#3 Age: 16
#4 Best Mods: Aikido Fan2 gtdunkcontest4
#5 Worst Mods: Mushu Wushu pendulumnjumper
#6 Ingame activity ( 1-10 ) : 100
#7 Forum activity ( 1-10 ) : 70
#8 Why do you want to join?: because i want to fight for something
#9 Have you read the rules?:yes i have dmnds
Last edited by 12388; Jan 9, 2014 at 12:56 PM.
Existential Crisis.
#1 Belt: Black
#2 Rank: 6133
#3 Age: 11
#4 Best Mods: Mushu, abd, aikido and some party mods
#5 Worst Mods: Some bad stuff or unfair like chaknorris…
#6 Ingame activity ( 1-10 ) : 8-10
#7 Forum activity ( 1-10 ) : 2-10
#8 Why do you want to join?: God sent me here!
#9 Have you read the rules?: Aww yeah...
Rinkimi, sorry but you haven't read the rules, You can try to apply again.
#1 Belt: 5th Dan
#2 Rank: 68k
#3 Age: 23
#4 Best Mods: Aikido, Judo
#5 Worst Mods: Wushu, Mushu
#6 Ingame activity ( 1-10 ) : 7
#7 Forum activity ( 1-10 ) : 5-6 depends
#8 Why do you want to join?: Cause I like diamonds. I don't like diamonds like I would want to steal them. I just like diamonds. What? Don't trust me? *Grumble* Anyway, yeah.
#9 Have you read the rules?: dmnd
Last edited by udw0lf; Jan 11, 2014 at 05:14 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
No Forum and no Ingame activity? You can make a new app if you want.
I am going to invite you as a trial. If you stay active on our clan thread you get a member if not I am going to kick you
Last edited by Beat; Jan 11, 2014 at 05:16 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump